护理中保证水封瓶长管没入水中3-4CM的目的是( )
Most shoplifters (商店扒手) agree that the
January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. With the
shop so crowded and the staff (全体职员) so busy, it does not require any special
talent to help yourself to one or two things and escape, unnoticed. It is known,
in the business, as "hoisting". But the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil (坏的) little balls that hang from the ceilings (天花板) above the most desirable goods. They can now be filmed at work and obliged to attend a showing of their performance (演出) in court (法庭). Selfridges was the first big London store to install (安装) this equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court case for shoplifting using A. to help maintain (维持) good order in the store B. to make films that can be used as evidence C. to be used as evidence against customers D. to frighten shoplifters by their appearance [判断题]在进行变压器绕组频率响应试验时,铁芯必须可靠接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是利用坐标原理表示列车运行状况的一种图解形式。
A.列车运行图 B.列车时刻表 C.运营日计划 D.生产计划 [简答题]欧泰乐12字推广方针(问答题)
[单项选择]With more Chinese children coming to study in Singapore, a unique community of women known as "pei du ma ma", which, loosely translated means "study mamas", has emerged here. (67) are there to keep their children company. Singaporeans have responded (68) their presence with mixed reactions. What is more important is (69) their experiences say about the education industry here. Singapore no doubt presents unique advantages as a choice for Chinese students who are (70) to study overseas. It is a Garden City (71) has an efficient judicial system and an orderly society. It has a bilingual policy and Chinese are the majority. Life here is easy to get (72) to and, what’ s more, their mothers are (73) to come here to be with them. Most Chinese students who wish to come to Singapore (74) to recruitment agencies in China to make the arrangements. For sure, the agencies will (75) make all kinds of promises to attrac
A. hard B. difficult C. easy D. unnecessary [单选题]、在变黄期,一般要求湿球温度比干球温度低( )℃。
A.1.-4. B.4.-5. C.5.-6. D.6.-7. [多选题]信贷从业人员应符合以下基本条件:
A.必须是各级法人行社正式员工。 B.工作3年(含)以上。 C.行端正,遵纪守法,无不良行为记录;工作认真细致,责任心强,勤勉敬业。 D.熟悉各项信贷政策、制度,掌握各类信贷业务品种风险特征,了解相关法律知识,具有较强的工作能力。 [单选题]轮对磨耗或镟修后,车轮半径每减少( )mm时,应进行以下调整:1) 空气弹簧加垫;2) 调节杆换孔;3) 防过充止挡间隙调整。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [单选题]铁芯电抗器铁芯应(____)。
A.不接地 B.一点接地 C.两点接地 D.多点接地 [单选题] IPRAN 网络中链路采用哪种方式保护( )
A. TE HSB B. TE FRR C. PW FRR D. 以上全对 [单项选择]评价药物作用强弱的指标是()
A. 治疗指数 B. 内在活性 C. 效价 D. 安全指数 E. 亲和力 [单选题]长度在( ) 以上的采煤工作面叫做长壁式采煤法。
A.A、30米 B.B、40米 C.C、50米 D.D、60米 [判断题]消防救援人员被撤销处分或者被减轻处分的,对其工资福利受到的损失不予以补偿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交