Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the
ideology that biology is destiny. According to this ideology, basic biological
and psychological differences exist between the sexes. These differences require
each sex to play a separate role in social life. Women are the weaker sex both
physically and emotionally. Thus, they are naturally suited, much more so than
men, to the performance of domestic duties. A woman’s place, under normal
circumstances, is within the protective environment of the home. Nature has
determined that women play caretaker roles, such as wife and mother and
homemaker. On the other hand, men are best suited to go out into the competitive
world of work and politics where serious responsibilities must be taken on. Men
are to be the providers; women and children are "dependents." The ideology also holds A. men hate to do these jobs B. the ideology Prevents men from performing these tasks C. women are not capable of doing jobs other than these. D. these jobs are generally the extension of women’s domestic tasks. [单选题]王某是某有限合伙企业的有限合伙人,在合伙协议无特别约定的情况下,王某在合伙期间未经其他合伙人同意实施的下列行为中,不符合《合伙企业法》规定的是( )。
A.将自购的机器设备出租给合伙企业使用 B.以合伙企业的名义购买汽车一辆归合伙企业使用 C.以自己在合伙企业中的财产份额向银行提供质押担保 D.提前30日通知其他合伙人将其部分合伙份额转让给合伙人以外的人 [单项选择]下列各明细分类账,可以采用定期汇总登记方式的是( )。
A. 固定资产 B. 应收账款 C. 应付账款 D. 库存商品 [单选题]1.16 持军队.武装警察部队机动车驾驶证的人,申请小型汽车准驾车型机动车驾驶证的,_____。
A.免予考试核发机动车驾驶证 B.应当考试科目一 C.应当考试科目一和科目三 D.应当考试科目一.科目二和科目三 [多项选择]患者男,57岁,因“下肢无力伴尿潴留2d”来诊。发病前突发胸痛。查体:双下肢弛缓性瘫痪,T8以下浅感觉障碍。可能出现的并发症包括()
A. 肺部感染 B. 尿路感染 C. 尿失禁 D. 尿潴留 E. 粪失禁 F. 粪潴留 G. 压疮 H. 应激性溃疡 I. 下肢溃疡 [单项选择]A. It’s very cold. B. About 29 centigrade.
C. It’s going to rain. D. Shining. [判断题]盲板的拆装作业本身有可能发生物体打击、高空坠落、火灾、爆炸、中毒窒息等事故( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]凡是具有较强的氧化性能,能与可燃物发生化学反应并能引起燃烧的物质称为()
A. 可燃物质 B. 难燃物质 C. 助燃物质 D. 着火源 [单选题]以下关于行调确认停电条件不正确的是()
A.准备停电区域列车已经全部出清 B.没有列车经过停电区域(调试列车、过线车等) C.涉及联络线及场段的已征得邻线行调或场调同意 D.停电区域人员出清 [名词解释]社会保险
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