My knees were shaking. I (41)
afraid (42) with them, (43) I
(44) myself out on the path to follow them. Amara’s husband
(45) coming back and saw me. " (46) my
age mates (47) this witchcraft. You come back with me and
keep watch (48) my wife. Help me guard (49)
body. He will kill her and I cannot prevent it. But he (50)
killed her in vain. He shall not eat her body." It was dark inside the
reception hut, and very quiet. The women (51) kept watch over
Amara, and her co-wife still sat with her. The man stood looking down upon her.
A man must never call his wife (52) her name and may never
touch her (53) public. The man knelt (5 A. along B. beside C. besides D. thinking [判断题]倒闸操作的基本条件之一:有值班调控人员、运维负责人正式发布的指令,并使用经事先审核合格的操作票。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A-D-E-003 5 2 3
其他站线线路,轨道静态轨距经常保养偏差管理值为( )。 A.+4、-2mm B.+7、-4mm C.+9、-4mm D.+10、-4mm [单项选择]患者男,50岁,需进行氧气治疗,氧气浓度65%,持续48小时吸氧后,出现烦躁,呼吸、心率增快,血压上升,继而出现呼吸困难、发绀、昏迷,患者可能出现的问题是()
A. 氧中毒 B. 肺不张 C. 呼吸抑制 D. 呼吸道分泌物干燥 E. 晶状体纤维组织增生 [判断题]火灾自动报警系统工作接地线与保护接地线,必须分开,保护接地导体不得利用金属软管。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]防火检查工作应如何开展?
A.罪刑法定原则 B.疑罪从无原则 C.适用刑法平等原则 D.罪刑相适应原则 [判断题]信号电缆基本颜色为红,白,蓝,绿。
A. 淤血、痰饮、湿气 B. 淤血、痰饮、浊气 C. 淤血、痰饮、风温 D. 淤血、痰饮、风寒 E. 淤血、痰饮、风湿 我来回答: 提交