To: Mr. Louis Johnson, President
From.. Margaret Ellis, Health Consultant
Date: December 1, 2010
Subject. Improving Computer User’s Comfort
Enclosed is the report, "Improving Computer User’s Comfort", which you asked me to prepare. The report summarizes current research on the effects of computers on health and recommends changes for our computer users.
I interviewed over 60 employees of Far East Trade Development Company in the last six months and consulted with health experts in eye and wrist fatigue. I also reviewed all the current literature available for computer health hazards (危险).
My recommendations are as follows.
1. Anti-radiation (防辐身) screens should be available for computer monitors.
2. Devices to support the wrist of the computer user should be used to help maintain proper wrist position during computer use and possibly re
"I’m a total geek all around," says
Angela BYron, a 27-year-old computer prlogrammer who has just graduated from
Nova Scotia Community College. And yet, like many other students, she "never had
the confidence" to approach any of the various open-source software communities
on the internet--distributed teams of volunteers who collaborate to build
software that is then made freely available. But thanks to Google, the world’s
most popular search engine and one of the biggest proponents of open-source
software, Ms Byron spent the summer contributing code to Drupal, an open-source
project that automates the management of websites. "It’s awesome," she
says. Ms Byron is one of 419 students (out of 8 744 who applied) who were accepted for Google’s "summer of code". While it sounds like a hyper-nerdy summer camp, the students neither went to A. incoherent B. rewarded C. incessant D. gratuitous [单选题]组合电气操动机构安装、固定应牢靠,并与断路器底座标高相配合,底座或支架与基础间的垫片不宜超过( )片,总厚度不应超过( )mm,各垫片尺寸与基座相符且连接牢固。
A.2,5 B.6,10 C.4,12 D.3,10 [多选题]低压电气工作前,应用低压验电器或测电笔检验()是否有电。
A.检修设备 B.金属外壳 C.相邻设备 D.所有可能来电的各端 [判断题]部队在组织灭火救援课题的实兵演练时,应充分利用训练基地进行多课题、多力量、大难度的连贯演练。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业地段不宜过长,并不得指派( )到防护区段以外的线路上作业。
A.单人 B.双人 C.多人 D.一作业组 [单选题]无缝线路维修计划,宜以( )为单位安排作业。
A.两站间的轨条 B.两相邻轨节 C.单元轨节 D.相邻的3个轨条 [单项选择]26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初次登台) on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points in another game.
Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, "When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy." He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. "I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games," he said. Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy (活力) to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and n/any people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese. Yao A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say. [判断题]临时配电箱必须装有独立的漏电保护开关,多台焊机、电动工具可以共用一个电源开关,配电箱都应接零(接地)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]将面粉100克,加入60克水、酵母3克,盐1克揉制成面包面团,那么其面粉的吸水率为( )。
A.60% B.64% C.57.7% D.36.6% [多项选择]急性胰腺炎的处理下列正确的是( )。
A. 绝对卧床休息 B. 禁食水,补充血容量 C. 严密观察病情,及时发现并发症 D. 做好胃肠减压护理 E. 疼痛时可用吗啡止痛 [单项选择]有关药品批发企业人员的资质的说法,错误的是()
A. 负责人应当具有大学专科以上学历或者中级专业技术职称 B. 质量管理部门负责人应当具有执业药师资格和3年以上药品经营质量管理工作经历 C. 质量负责人应当具有大学本科以上学历、执业药师资格和3年以上药品经营质量管理工作经历 D. 从事质量管理工作的,应当具有药学或者医学、生物、化学等相关专业大学专科以上学历或者具有药学初级以上专业技术职称 [单选题](7778)国家标准规定,无论图样是否装订,()画出边框。(1.0分)
A.均需 B.不必 C.避免 D.不用 [单选题]治疗鼠疫的首选药物为( )
A.庆大霉素 B.四环素 C.阿卡米星 D.青霉素 E.红霉素 [单选题] 列车火灾为( )。
A.一般A类事故 B.一般B类事故 C.一般C类事故 D.一般D类事故 [单选题]焊接机械机体必须使用单独导线接地,接地电阻不得大于()Ω。
A.4. B.10. C.15. D.20. 我来回答: 提交