In the past few decades, remarkable
findings have been made in ethology, the study of animal social behavior.
Earlier scientists had (21) that nonhuman social life was
almost totally instinctive or fixed by genetics. Much more careful observation
has shown that (22) variation occurs among the social ties of
most species, showing that [earning is a part of social life. That is, the
(23) are not solely fixed by the genes. (24)
, the learning that occurs is often at an early age in a process that
is called imprinting. Imprinting is clearly (25) instinctive,
but it is not quite like the learning of humans, it is something in between the
two. An illustration best (26) the nature of imprinting.
Once, biologists thought that ducklings followed the mother duck because of
instincts. Now we know that. shortly (27) A. fashioned B. modified C. influenced D. affected [单选题] 反常呼吸常发生于
A.单根肋骨骨折 B.多根肋骨单处骨折 C.多根肋骨多处骨折 D.单根肋骨单处骨折 E.胸壁软组织损伤 [单选题]使用钳形电流表测量低压线路和配电变压器低压侧电流,应注意不触及其他带电部位,以防接地短路。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]汉字输出码又被称为汉字( )。
A. 字形码 B. 国标码 C. 字模 D. 内码 [单选题]根据国家有关标准,安全标志应当由图形符号、( )、几何形状(边框)或文字构成。
A.警示标志 B.安全色 C.安全符号 D.安全标志 [单选题]毒蛇咬伤后,如为神经毒,其中医名称是
A.火毒 B.风毒 C.风火毒 D.热毒 E.湿毒 [多项选择]慢性肺气肿常见的X线征象包括().
A. 肺纹理增多、扭曲 B. 双侧膈面上抬 C. 肺动脉高压 D. 肋间隙增宽 E. 双侧肺野透亮度增加 [单选题]消防设施的联动运行情况在火灾报警控制器、联动控制盘及图形显示装置上有对应的显/指示。反馈灯为( )
A.红色 B.绿色 C.蓝色 D.黄色 [判断题]所有的上解下拨款项均应在有效视频监控下进行,由双人共同清点、开箱、落锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触电人心脏停止跳动时,应采取()法进行抢救。
A.A、口对口呼吸 B.B、胸外心脏挤压 C.C、打强心针 D.D、摇臂压胸 [单项选择]男,60岁,半年来双下肢沉重感,走路无力,右腿明显,无头晕头痛。查体:颈部无明显压痛,臂丛牵拉试验阳性,双膝踝反射亢进,右膝髌阵挛阳性,右侧巴氏征阳性,应考虑的治疗是()。
A. 按摩 B. 手术 C. 注射激素 D. 颏枕吊带牵引 E. 围领和颈托 [单项选择]A “break-even” sales volume means
A. a sale volume which will produce no profit or loss B. a minimum sales volume which will produce the target profit. C. a sales volume which is very close to budget. D. a sales volume which is below the break-even point. [判断题]奥氏体不锈钢与铜及其合金焊接时,如果奥氏体不锈钢中存在有铁素体组织,则对防止渗透裂纹有很大好处。
A. 10片 B. 28片 C. 30片 D. 50片 [判断题]更换绝缘子串和移动导线的作业,当采用单吊(拉)线装置时,应采取防止导线脱落时的后备保护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患儿男,3岁,因结核性脑膜炎入院治疗。患儿精神呆滞、睡眠不安、双目凝视、喜哭。该患儿目前处于( )
A.脑膜刺激征期 B.昏迷期 C.前驱期 D.中期 E.晚期 [多项选择]逻辑笔可以检测电路的()
A. 逻辑电平 B. 功率 C. 脉冲极性 D. 脉冲个数 [判断题]脚手架拆除时,先将连墙件整层拆除后再拆脚手架。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
To a router, a flow is a (1) of packets that share the same Characterstics, such as traveling the same (2) ,using the same (3) ,having the same kind of security, and so on. A router that supports the handling of flow labels has a (4) table. The table has an entry for each active flow label; each entry defines the (5) required by the corresponding flow label. 3()A. source B. resources C. route D. Entry [单选题]TDCS屏幕状态栏中显示“<站名>备”表示该机为( )。
A.正在备份 B.正在备用 C.临时备用 D.设计为该站备机 [判断题] 《钢轨探伤管理规则》规定:探伤仪检修及复验后的测试结果应进行记录和备案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检查运行炉管的主要风险是灼伤,预防措施有()。
A.确认炉膛处于正压状态 B.打开观火孔,正面观察,严禁正面对着观火孔检查,检查后关闭观火孔 C.确认炉膛处于负压状态,微开观火孔,侧面观察,严禁正面对着观火孔检查,检查后关闭观火孔 [单项选择]APG40的TTFILE文件存放在Y:/RDT/DATA/CHARGING目录下,该目录下包含有多个子目录,哪个子目录是存放“刚产生的TTFILE文件”的?()
A. DELETE B. READY C. KEEP D. SEND [多选题]方钻杆旋塞阀使用注意事项主要有( )等。
A.旋塞在使用前必须检验合格 B.旋塞阀在空载情况下开关是否灵活,接头丝扣和密封台肩有无损伤 C.使用时严禁处于半开、半关状态 D.专用扳手应放在钻台上并方便拿取的位置 E.旋塞阀在使用过程中每班开关活动旋塞1次 [单项选择]把作业空间中使用的逻辑地址变为内存中物理地址称为( )。
A. 加载 B. 重定位 C. 物理化 D. 逻辑化 [单项选择]电容器串联后其总电容量变()。
A. 大 B. 小 C. 不变 我来回答: 提交