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For the executive producer of a network
nightly news program, the workday often begins at midnight—as mine did during
seven years with ABC’s evening newscast①. The first order of business
was a call to the assignment desk for a pre-bedtime rundown of latest
developments. The assignment desk operates 24 hours a day, staffed by editors who move crews, correspondents and equipment to the scene of events. Assignment-desk editors are logistics experts; they have to know plane schedules, satellite availability, and whom to get in touch with at local stations and oversea broadcasting systems. They are required to assess stories as they break on the wire services sometimes even before they do—and to decide how much effort to make to cover those stories. When the United States was going to appeal to arms against I A. Ways to cut down the cost of the coverage. B. How to make the report more attractive. C. To describe the work of the executive producer. D. To introduce the style and features of the news program. [单项选择]患儿,女,9岁,左侧肢体频繁抽搐4小时,昏迷1.5小时入院。体检:浅昏迷,左巴氏征阳性,无其他阳性体征。追问病史,1年前因昏迷伴反复抽搐1天在当地医院以"脑炎"住院,治疗3天好转出院。5个月前因步态不稳,再次在当地医院诊治,1周后病情缓解。辅助检查:血常规WBC14.6×10/L,N86%,L14%,肝肾功能正常;脑脊液常规和生化检查正常,IG指数0.59,寡克隆带阳性,MRI双侧额顶叶皮质下及半卵圆中心区域多发白质脱髓鞘改变。该患儿最可能的诊断为()
A. 急性播散性脑脊髓炎 B. 多发性硬化 C. 肾上腺脑白质营养不良 D. 视神经脊髓炎 E. 急性脊髓炎 [填空题]社会保障基金的建立方式主要有()三种。
[单项选择]决策支持系统中基本库的组成应包括( )。
A. 数据库和模型库 B. 数据库和知识库 C. 模型库和知识库 D. 模型库和方法库 [多项选择]公安机关刑事司法工作主要是依据( )同刑事犯罪做斗争的一系列工作。
A. 《人民警察法》 B. 《刑法》 C. 《宪法》 D. 《刑事诉讼法》 [单选题](易)( )正式党员不足 3 人的单位,应当按照地域相邻、行业相近、规模适当、便于管理的原则,成立联合党支部。联合党支部覆盖单位一般不超过( )个。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单选题]兼具功能上和传播上双重意义的语言,如挥手、跺脚等属于
A.物体语言 B.行动语言 C.标记语言 D.模拟语言 [单项选择]对不满( )周岁的人实施的违法行为,不予行政处罚。
A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 18 [多选题]企业负责人薪酬主要由( )构成
A.基本薪金 B.绩效薪金 C.艰苦地区(维稳)补贴 D.其他专项工资 我来回答: 提交