In the evenings, they go to the mall.
Once a week or more. Sometimes, they even leave the dinner dishes in the sink so
they will have enough time to finish all the errands. The father never comes—he
hates shopping, especially with his wife. Instead, he stays at home to read the
paper and put around his study: To do things that the other dads must be doing
in the evenings. To summon the sand to come rushing in and plug up his ears with
its roaring silence. Meanwhile, the mother arms herself with returns from the last trip. Her two young daughters forget games of flashlight tag or favorite TV shows and A. Irritable. B. Remorseful. C. Amiable. D. Discontented. [多选题]下图对卸料平台设置要求说法错误的是( )。
A. 卸料平台下方区可直接设置休息厅 B. 卸料平台下方区可设为主要通道 C. 卸料平台四周封闭严密,下方可不设防护措施 D. 卸料平台存在防护缺陷 E.卸料平台下方区域须设置隔离防护 [单项选择]对于催化剂特性的描述,不正确的是()。
A. 催化剂只能缩短反应达到平衡的时间而不能改变平衡状态 B. 催化剂在反应前后其化学性质和物理性质皆不变 C. 催化剂不能改变平衡常数 D. 加入催化剂不能实现热力学上不可能进行的反应 [单项选择]糖皮质激素禁用于活动性消化性溃疡是因为
A. 水钠潴留 B. 抑制蛋白质合成 C. 促进胃酸分泌 D. 抑制机体防御功能 E. 提高中枢神经系统的兴奋性 [单项选择]下列不属于津液的排泄途径是:()。
A. 汗 B. 尿 C. 粪 D. 呕吐物 E. 呼气 [单项选择]购买保险是()风险的例子
A. 降低 B. 转移 C. 接受 D. 避免 [单选题] PON技术采用的拓扑结构是( )。
A. P2P B. P2MP C. MP2MP D. MP2P [单选题]关于白萝卜的说法正确的是()
A.白萝卜具有滋补肝肾保健作用 B.白萝卜具有定惊安神保健作用 C.白萝卜具有止咳润肺保健作用 D.白萝卜具有强筋壮骨保健作用 [多项选择]农村废水中含有较多()和磷等不溶性固体物质和盐分。
A. 病原体 B. 悬浮物 C. 农药 D. 耗氧有机物 E. 氨氮 我来回答: 提交