如出现交叉性麻痹,可能位于( ) It doesn’t matter when (Example:
{{U}} (0) ){{/U}} {{U}} (41) {{/U}} a person sleeps, but everyone
needs some rest to stay alive. That’s {{U}} (42) {{/U}} all doctors thought, until they heard about A1 Herpin. People said he never {{U}} (43) {{/U}} . Could this be true’ . The doctors decided to see this strange man {{U}} (44) {{/U}} . A1 Herpin was 90 years old when doctors went to his home. They {{U}} (45) {{/U}} that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched him. But they were {{U}} (46) {{/U}} . Though they watched him hour {{U}} (47) {{/U}} hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. In fact, he did not even have a bed. He never needed one. The only rest he got was {{U}} (48) {{/U}} in a chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled(疑 [单选题]-E-L-004 4 2 2
更换基本轨后,轨向应直顺,曲基本轨弯折尺寸符合设计要求,尖轨与基本轨竖切部分密贴,间隙不得大于( )。 A.4mm B.3mm C.2mm D.1mm [多项选择]下列会计要素项目中,不属于商业银行所有者权益的有()
A. 未分配利润 B. 长期投资 C. 现金 D. 土地使用权 E. 盈余公积 [单选题]热继电器要安装在( )平面上。
A.垂直 B.水平 C.倾斜 D.水平或倾斜 [单选题]患儿男,35千克,需给予头孢呋辛钠静脉滴注(成人量为2.0克),按体重计算应选择的剂量为
A.0.50克 B.0.75克 C.1.00克 D.1.25克 E.1.50克 [判断题]瓦斯检查工应牢固树立“安全第一”的意识,保证安全生产条件,并在确保工程质量的前提下,尽量为煤矿企业节约资金。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]收购要约的期限届满,收购人持有的被收购公司的股份最低达到该公司已发行股份总数的( )时,该上市公司的股票应当在证券交易所终止上市交易。
A. 50% B. 75% C. 90% D. 80% [填空题]There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of answering theoretical (31) ; technology is a method of (32) practical problems (and sometimes creating new problems out of
the "solutions"). Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships (33) observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize (34) facts and relationships; technology has to do (35) tools, techniques, and procedures for implementing the findings of science. Another distinction between science (36) technology has to do with the progress in each. Progress (37) science excludes the human factor. And this is justly so. Scientists, (38) seek to comprehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty cannot pay attention to their own or other people’s likes or (39) or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scie [单项选择]感冒治法有辛温解表和辛凉解表的不同,其理论依据是
A. 同病异治 B. 异病同治 C. 辨病论治 D. 同病同治 E. 异病异治 [单项选择]影响蛋类铁吸收率的物质是
A. 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 B. 卵蛋白高磷素 C. 肉类因子 D. 卵黄高磷蛋白 E. 植酸盐与草酸盐 [单选题]调制菌汤时,用生姜煸炒鸡架再熬汤的目的是( )。
A.去腥作用 B.增香作用 C.调味作用 D.解腻作用 [单选题]生命探测仪分为雷达探测、( )、视频探测等类型。
A.音频探测 B.红外探测 C.遥感探测 D.气体探测 [判断题]土的容重指土在天然状态下单位体积的重力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患儿,7个月。因一次食入2个鸡蛋,并饮用一大杯牛奶而致呕吐,不思进食,腹胀,大便酸臭,舌苔厚腻。其诊断是()
A. 厌食 B. 积滞 C. 呕吐 D. 疳积 E. 疳气 [单项选择]与根面龋有关的是()
A. 内氏放线菌 B. 黏性放线菌 C. 溶牙放线菌 D. 血链球菌 E. 茸毛链球菌 [单选题]禁止在铁路线路两侧()米以内或者铁路防护林地内放牧。
A.15 B.20 C.25 [单项选择]冬天下雪高速公路上结冰,交通部门将会对高速公路实施必要的封路措施,因为路上结冰有可能导致风险事故,产生风险损失,关于风险损失的说法正确的足( )。
A. 风险损失是必然发生的 B. 风险损失是预期的经济价值的减少 C. 风险损失只包括直接损失 D. 风险损失可以用货币来计量 [简答题]
设直线L过A(1,0,0),B(0,1,1)两点,将L绕z轴旋转一周得到曲面Σ,Σ与平面z=0,z=2所围成的立体为Ω。 [多选题]道岔联锁失效需现场人工加锁时,具体加锁办法规定是:密贴尖轨,( )号道岔在每个转辙机牵引点处各加1把勾锁器,41、42号道岔在第一、二、三、四、五牵引点处各加1把勾锁器。
A.9 B.12 C.18 D.可动心轨 [单选题]下列选项中属于会计的基本职能的是()。
A.控制与监督 B.反映与监督 C.反映与核算 D.反映与分析 [单选题]建设工程施工管理中的组织结构图反映的是( )。
A.一个项目管理班子中各组成部门之间的逻辑关系 B.一个项目中各组成部分之间的组织关系 C.一个项目管理班子中各组成部门之间的组织关系 D.一个项目中各组成部分之间的逻辑关系 我来回答: 提交