Back in the .16th century, political
plays were all about men. Not now. For some time, American female playwrights
have followed the (1) of Wendy Wasserstein, a 50-year-old
Brooklyn-born dramatist, whose work has focused (2) family
drama and personal (3) . Overtly political plays were
considered (4) and unfashionable. But this is no longer so
often the (5) . A new generation of female playwrights (6) tackling such subjects (7) racism, rape and apartheid. The quality of these plays has varied (8) . The best (9) their subjects with nuance and subtlety, while it is the more controversial pr6ductions (10) fall flat. With topical issues now the stuff 0fshallow, made-for-television movies, audiences are looking to the theatre for something more (11) . Rebecca Gilman’s A. presented B. acted C. played D. performed [判断题]电子天平的称量值随纬度的增加而减小,随海拔的升高而增大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于技师论文答辩的要求,不正确的是( )。
A.宣读论文全文 B.从容答辩 C.回答问题简明扼要 D.携带论文与参考资料 [单选题]行业“五个形象”的根本任务包括:全面提升行业1、深化改革的形象;2、科学发展的形象;3、控烟履约的形象;4、规范管理的形象;5、( )的形象。 B.干部队伍 C.烟草 D.人民群众 [判断题]铁路电话交换设备包括数字程控交换机、长途智能人工交换系统、网管和配套设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]离心泵启动时关闭出口阀,暂时使出口流量为零,这时泵所需功率( ),这样可将电动机负荷限制在最低水平上,以此防止电动机因起动电流过大而烧坏。
A.最大 B.最小 C.不变 [多项选择]对计入交易账户的头寸,应当具有明确的头寸管理政策和程序,主要包括( )。
A. 设置头寸限额并进行监控 B. 交易员可以在批准的限额内,按照批准的交易政策和程序管理头寸 C. 按照银行的风险管理程序,交易头寸定期报告给高级管理层 D. 根据市场信息来源,对交易头寸予以密切监控 E. 评估市场变量的质量和可获得性、市场交易的规模、交易头寸的规模等 [多项选择]功能目标指对项目功能的定位,企业投资项目可供选择的功能目标主要有( )。
A. 扩大生产规模,降低单位产品成本 B. 向前延伸,生产所需原材料,增加产品成本和经营风险 C. 向后延伸,延长产品生产链,提高产品附加值 D. 进行技术改造,调整产品结构,开发适销对路产品 E. 拓宽投资领域,分散经营风险 我来回答: 提交