Human creativeness is boundless. With
the advance of science and technology, a complete new means of communication --
Mobile Phone came to the world, which, being not fixed in one place like
ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication. Although using
mobile phone is convenient, it also has some negative factors. It tells us that
we should pay more attention to the mobile phone etiquette. There is a research
on American mobile phone etiquette. People are using cell phones in a Manhattan subway. Most Americans believe that there are unspoken rules about using mobile phone etiquette, according to an online poll. It’s impolite to shout down their cell phones which may frighten other passengers. Checking emails, sending text messages and making telephone calls while in the company of other passengers are def A. happy and joy. B. angry and depress. C. ignorant and unstable. D. sensitive. [判断题]建筑施工绝大部分工作是露天作业,受天气影响较大,因此必须从实际情况出发,选择正确的施工方法,采取必要的措施,切实可行地做好季节施工准备工作十分重要。( )
[单选题]在车辆、农业机械不能到达的山坡、峭壁和岩石处,保护线最大弛度时距地面的高度不得小于( )。
A.4m B.5m C.6m D.7m [单选题]无铁垫板时,每根木枕上每股钢轨内外侧各钉( )个道钉。
A.4 B.1 C.2 D.3 [多选题]免征车船税的车船有( )。
A.非机动驳船 B.养殖渔船 C.已经缴纳船舶吨税的船舶 D.低速货车 E.拖拉机 [单选题]铜及铜合金导热性能好,所以焊接前一般应()。
A.A、可不预热 B.B、应预热 C.C、必须气保护预热 [单选题]我国社会主义初级阶段实行以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,促进了生产力的发展,说明实行这种制度遵循了( )
A.生产力决定生产关系的原理 B.经济基础决定上层建筑的原理 C.生产力具有自我增殖能力的原理 D.社会经济制度决定生产力状况的原理 [单项选择]发热病人体温维持在38.5℃水平,此时( )。
A. 产热增加 B. 散热增加 C. 产热增加,散热减少 D. 产热、散热均增加 E. 产热、散热均减少 [单选题]无砟线路经常保养指根据()及线路状态变化情况,对线路设备进行的经常性修理,以保持线路质量经常处于均衡状态。
A.动态检测结果 B.静态检测结果 C.动、静态检测结果 D.日常检查结果 我来回答: 提交