IBM has just announced the invention of
the PAN—Personal Area Network — a set of devices that use humans as conductors
to relay detailed textual information from one person to another, simply by
touch. It is a relatively small conceptual step from the PAN processor that
relays a written message through one’s body by a shake of the hand to a
microcell sensory transmission system that relays ideas and sensations directly
to and from the most powerful processor in the world, the human brain. Within a few decades, PAN-type research will transform the Internet into the Life Net, a comprehensive sensory environment for human habitation. Our minds will be afforded wireless direct sensory interfacing with other people and various databases. A dramatically enhanced version of what we now call virtual reality will become as common as air conditioning. Telephon A. It is the same as the Internet today. B. It is the foundation of the PAN processor. C. It is invented only for scientific research. D. It develops from the PAN processor. [单选题]( )2019年7月27日起实施的交通运输部《城市轨道交通设施设备运行维护管理办法》中规定,接触网巡查频率不应低于( ),定期对接触网导高、拉出值、磨耗等进行监测。
A.每月1次 B.每2个月1次 C.每季度1次 D.每年1次 [单选题]37°探头探测垂直裂纹时,无回波显示是因为( )。[331020119]
A.无反射回波 B.探头灵敏度低 C.接收不到反射波 D.声束扩散 [单项选择]李某取得的设计费收入,应缴纳的个人所得税为( )元。
A. 3600 B. 5980 C. 6400 D. 10000 [简答题]试述如何对现行系统进行分析。
A.能将主体对象与背景融为一体,背景中的事物就是画面的主夢 B.掩盖画面缺陷 C.塑造导演的个性 D.能够表现人物在特定情境下难以表现的面部神情和心理状态 [单选题]使用DJ2经纬仪,全圆方向法观测水平角两测回,则同一方向各测回的互差规定不应大于( )。
A.8″ B.9″ C.13″ D.24″ [简答题]历史文献影印应注意哪些问题?
A. 美洲的发现 B. 商品贸易范围空前扩大 C. 殖民扩张的开始 D. 各地文明开始汇合交融 [单项选择]与龋病发病有关的最主要细菌为()。
A. 乳酸杆菌 B. 溶血性链球菌 C. 黏性放线菌 D. 涎链球菌 E. 变形链球菌 [判断题]根据作业需要(如测量绝缘电阻等)必须拆除接地线时,经值班员同意,停止相关作业,可以将妨碍工作的接地线短时拆除,该作业完毕要立即恢复。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]通道月可用率应大于()%。
A. 80 B. 85 C. 90 D. 95 [单项选择]Psychological testing is a measurement of some aspect of human behavior by procedures consisting of carefully prescribed content, methods of administration, and interpretation. Test content may be addressed to almost any aspect of intellectual or emotional functioning, including personality traits, attitudes, intelligence, or emotional concerns. Tests usually are administered by a qualified clinical, school, or industrial psychologist, according to professional and ethical principles. Interpretation is based on a comparison of the individual’s responses with those previously obtained to establish appropriate standards for test scores. The usefulness of psychological tests depends on their accuracy in predicting behavior. By providing information about the probability of a person’s responses or performance, tests aid in making a variety of decisions.
The primary impetus for the development of the major tests used today was the need for practical guidelines for solving social probl A. Psychological test can be given by everyone. B. Psychological test may be about a person’s personality or intelligence. C. Psychological test is based on psychological interpretation. D. Psychological tests are always useful. [单选题]违反国家规定,使用销售点终端机具(POS机)等方法,以虚构交易、虚开价格、现金退货等方式向信用卡持卡人直接支付现金,情节严重的,应当依据刑法第二百二十五条的规定,以( )定罪处罚。
A.非法经营罪 B.恶意透支罪 C.套取现金罪 D.信用卡诈骗罪 [多选题]超范围允许式方向纵联保护,跳闸开放的条件 说法是( )。
A.本侧正方向元件动作,收到对侧允许信号 8—10ms B.本侧正方向元件动作,本侧反方向元件不动作,收到对侧允许信号 8—10ms C.本侧正方向元件动作,本侧反方向元件不动作,收不到对侧监频信号而收到跳 频信号 D.本侧正方向元件动作,本侧反方向元件不动作,监频信号和跳频信号均收不到 时,在 100ms 窗口时间内延时 30ms [填空题]B类故障主要分为______、______两类
A.三级 B.四级 C.五级 D.六级 我来回答: 提交