In order to work here the foreigner needs a work permit, which must be (21) for by his prospective employer. The problem here is that the Department of Employment has the right to (22) or refuse these permits, and there is little that can be (23) about it, it would be extremely unwise (24) a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since anyone doing so is (25) to immediate deportation. There are some (26) to this rule, most notably people from the Common Market countries, who are (27) to work without permits and who are often given (28) residence permits of up to five years. Some (29) people, such as doctors, foreign journalists, authors and others, can work without (30)
The problem with the Act is not just that some of its rules are (31) but (32) it is administered, and the people who administer it.
An immigration official has the power to stop a visitor <
A. applied
B. made
C. asked
D. wait
It is difficult to say exactly how the
music we call "rock" or "rock and roll" began. Its roots go back to many
different countries and many different kinds of music and musicians. Rock music developed mainly from the interaction of black African and white European music. The Europeans and the African slaves who came to America during the seventeenth century each had their own different kinds of music. Black Africans used heavy drumbeats, a rough singing voice, and the calling of a melody and answer of a chorus. The white Europeans, mostly English and Scots, used a stronger melody, a less heavy beat, and instruments such as guitars, horns, and fiddles. The history of rock and roll is the history of how rock evolved from these two traditions. From the seventeenth to the twentieth century, musicians in the southern United A. h is not easy to tell how "rock and roll" began. B. Both the blues and country music were developed by the musicians in the southern United States. C. Both the Europeans and the African slaves came to America during the 17th century. D. The blues songs recorded in Memphis made Elvis Presley popular throughout the world. [多项选择]获国家计委或中国工程咨询协会优秀工程咨询成果奖项目及全国优秀工程勘察设计奖项目的主要完成人,在报考注册咨询工程师(投资)可以免试( )。
A. 《工程咨询概论》 B. 《现代咨询方法与务实》 C. 《项目决策分析与评价》 D. 《宏观经济政策与发展规划》 E. 《项目组织与管理》 [多选题]同杆架设的高压与低压配电线路,(?)的横担距上下横担为1.00m。
A.干线 B.分支 C.转角杆 D.直线杆 [多选题]物的不安全状态中,机械的()环节也都存在着不同的潜在危险因素。
A.控制点 B.操纵点 C.检查点 D.取样点和送料过程 [单选题] 仅需多大的镜子就能够看到自己的全身?
A.和人身等高 B.身高的一半 C.身高的1/4 D.身高的1/3 [单选题]使用雷达定位中,利用雷达两距离定位比雷达两方位产生的误差_.
A.小 B.大 C.一样 [单选题]()地理范围和站点数目有限。
A.局域网 B.城域网 C.广域网 D.因特网 [多选题]信贷资产按风险分类划分为()。
A.、关注 B.、正常 C.、次级 D.、可疑 E.、损失 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交