Rothko{{/B}} Mark Rothko, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century, was born in Daugavpils, Latvia in 1903. His father emigrated to the United States, afraid that his sons would be drafted into the Czarist army. Mark stayed in Russia with his mother and older sister; they joined the family later, arriving in the winter of 1913, after a 12-day voyage. Mark moved to New York in the autumn of 1923 and found employment in the garment trade and took up residence on the Upper West Side. It was while he was visiting someone at the Art Students League that he saw students sketching a nude model. According to him, this was the start of his life as an artist. He was twenty years old and had taken some art lessons at school, s A. since his early childhood B. when he joined the Art Students League C. when he watched students drawing D. when he moved to the Upper West Side [单项选择]D288机器开机到达地球界面跳异常终止码(乱码)后重启,一直重复上述动作。故障原因是()
A. 电源板故障 B. 高压板故障 C. MFBS板故障 D. BCRS板故障 [单项选择]皇太极改女真之名为满洲是在:()
A. 1618年 B. 1634年 C. 1635年 D. 1638年 [判断题]中心回转体实现举高类消防车液、电的上、下车输送。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]圀5】试述安装悬垂绝缘子串有哪些要求?
[单项选择]男,15岁。糖尿病病史1年,3天前感冒发热,食欲下降而停用胰岛素。一天来恶心呕吐,查体:睡眠状态,大声呼唤可醒,很快又入睡,醒时答话含糊,该患者意识障碍属于 ()
A. 嗜睡 B. 意识模糊 C. 昏睡 D. 浅昏迷 E. 无意识障碍 [单选题]柴油机应添加静置( )后的清洁柴油,加油时要经过过滤。应根据地区及其气候的变化,选用适当标号的燃油和机油。
A.6~12 h B.8~16 h C.12~24 h D.16~24 h [简答题] 死胎
A. 比例调节器、比例积分调节器、比例微分调节器和比例积分微分调节器 B. 正作用调节器、比例积分调节器、比例微分调节器和比例积分微分调节器 C. 负作用调节器、比例积分调节器、比例微分调节器 D. 比例调节器、积分调节器、微分调节器 [多选题]全球通尊享礼遇中的酒店权益包含哪些?( )
A.房费折扣 B.免费早餐 C.延迟退房 D.预定保留 [单选题]夜间红、绿色灯光(无绿色灯用白色灯光代替)交互显示数次显示的是( )。
A.停车手信号 B.发车手信号 C.连挂手信号 D.道岔开通手信号 [判断题]对于被倒塌的建筑构件、材料埋压或者被困于容易窒息的现场,应先稳定被困人员情绪,并迅速采取送风供氧、提供饮水和食物等措施,安排医疗人员进行注射、服药等措施提供生命支持,严禁盲目使用挖掘机、铲车、推土机等大型工程机械设备和可能危及被困人员生命安全的救援工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]常态开展安全防护安全行进紧急避险自救互救心理适应等训练,提高( )防事故的能力。
A.战斗员 B.通信员 C.安全员 D.指战员 我来回答: 提交