One answer to the question of land
shortage was suggested by an organization some years ago. A city was to be built
at sea, housing 30,000 people. The suggestion was to shape the city like a harbor (港口). The outer wall of the harbor would stand on steel columns resting on the sea bed. Naturally this could only be where the water was fairly shallow. The people would like to live in flats in the fifty-metre high outer wall. The flats would be all face inwards, and would be made of concrete (混凝土) and glass. The glass would be specialy made and colored to control the heat and strong light from the sun. The planners called this man-made harbor would be calm. It would be floating islands carrying more building; a hospital, two theaters, museums, an art exhibition hall and a church. One of the islands would be a special factory to take t A. The city was to be designed together with a harbor. B. The walls around the city would be made of steel and glass. C. The building of the city would rest on a floating island. D. The people would live in tall building surrounded by a wall. [判断题]在高压、低压和安全电压的划分中,对地电压低于100V时为安全电压。
A.绝缘电线表面温度达到50℃ B.电线绝缘层内导体(芯线)受到损伤后有效截面变小 C.运行中电动机的温度和温升都达到额定值 D.白炽灯泡表面烫手 [单选题](3分) 有关心率的叙述,哪项不正确
A. 正常成人心率范围为60-100次/分 B. 检查心率以听诊器在心尖部听取第一心音计数 C. 女性心率稍快 D. 老年人心率稍快 E. 婴幼儿心率超过150次/分 [单选题]一般火场设置警戒区,其警戒工作主要由( )负责,如果需要占用街道,对车辆及行人实施交通管制时,可由公安交巡警协助完成。
A.消防人员 B.属地民警 C.交巡警 D.武警 [多选题]根据《信息安规》,作业人员应被告知其作业现场和工作岗位存在的( )。
A.安全风险 B.安全注意事项 C.事故防范措施 D.紧急处理措施 [单选题]在我国现代诗歌史上,最能体现“五四”精神的诗集是( )
A.《女神》 B.《红烛》 C.《死水》 D.《北方》 [多选题]所有爆破人员,包括( )、装药人员,必须熟悉爆炸物品性能和《煤矿安全规程》规定。
A.班(组)长 B.爆破人员 C.送药人员 D.护送人员 我来回答: 提交