阅读以下关于进程的描述:一个进程被唤醒意味着 (1) 如果某一进程在运行时,因某种原因暂停,此时将脱离运行状态,而进入 (2) 。
2()During the twentieth century there has been a great
change in the lives of women. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth
century would probably have been in her mid-dle twenties, and would be likely to
have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five
years old. (76) {{U}}By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have
been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,
during which chance and health A. stay at home after leaving school B. marry men younger than themselves C. start working again later in life D. marry while still at school [单项选择]According to the passage, however intelligent a robot may be, it ______.
A. acts as an ordinary animal B. is nothing but a machine C. is viewed as a modern myth D. is regarded as a human being [判断题]吊钩的开口度增大达原尺寸的15%,应予报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,17岁,工作中双手、双前臂及双足被硫酸烧伤,被烧伤部位水疱较小,皮温稍低,感觉较迟钝,去表皮创面呈浅红色,可见网状栓塞血管,肿胀明显。大面积烧伤,用氨苄西林、多黏菌素治疗7天后,骤起寒战、高热(39.6~40℃),病情恶化,神志淡漠、嗜睡、血压下降、休克、白细胞计数38×109/L,分类见中幼与晚幼粒细胞。应考虑()
A. 革兰阳性细菌脓毒症 B. 革兰阴性细菌脓毒症 C. 真菌性脓毒症 D. 脓血症 E. 毒血症 [简答题]更换新道岔验收标准规定,要求道床密实、洁净,道砟中粒径小于25mm的颗粒质量不得大于 ,符合设计断面,边坡整齐。
A. 0.1~0.5g B. 15~30g C. 1~3g D. 5~10g E. 10~15g [多选题]下列属于油纸绝缘缺点的是(____)。
A.A.易受污染 B.B.散热条件差 C.C.油纸绝缘在直流电压下强度差 D.D.油和纸的介电强度都很低 [单选题]1975年,邓小平主持国务院工作,为扭转混乱局面,在经济领域的整顿以()为突破口。
A.铁路部门 B.工业部门 C.农业系统 D.军队系统 [判断题]隔离模式是列控车载设备控制功能停用的模式。列车停车后,根据规定,随车机械师操作隔离装置使列控车载设备转入隔离模式。【司机】( )J107
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]进入正线、辅助线及影响正线行车的施工须经()同意;进入车辆段内线路及影响车辆段内行车的施工须经()同意。
A. 行调 B. 值班主任 C. 检修调度 D. 车辆段调度 [单选题]380/220动力线路应使用额定电压不低于( )的绝缘线。
A.500V B.220V C.110V D.相对 [单项选择]2,3,5,7,1l,( )
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 [单选题]离心泵在单位时间内输送的液体称为()
A.流量(排量) B.杨程 C.流速 D. 效率 [简答题]变压器测绝缘时有何规定?
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