Recycling Around the World{{/B}} Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century. But we could do more. People must not see recycling as fashionable, but essential. The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space. They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish. But even so, Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present. In 1996, the United States recycled and composted (制成肥料) 57 million tons of waste (27% of the nation’s solid waste). This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators (焚化炉). In doing this, 7,000 rubbish collection programmes and recycli A. It recycles 1 out of every 3 newspapers each year. B. It recycles 1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars each year. C. It recycles 1 out of every 4 items of clothing each year. D. It recycles 1 out of every 3 aluminium cans each year [单项选择]可编程控制器的语言表达方式共有()。
A. 6种; B. 5种; C. 4种; D. 3种。 [单选题]协调控制系统由两大部分组成,其一是机、炉独立控制系统,另一部分是( )。
A.中调来的负荷指令 B.电液调节系统 C.主控制系统 D.机组主控制器 [单选题]买卖合同中履行方式不明确,则按照有利于( )的方式履行合同。
A.出卖人 B.买受人 C.实现合同目的 D.合同双方 [单项选择]Why do adults believe that alcoholic awareness programs teach young people not to over-drink Recently, reading an article about the alcohol-induced deaths of two students from two different universalities in Colorado, I came across a theme on teen drinking applicable to parents, school administration, and local government: they just don’t get it.
To use a pun by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who changes WMD to PMD (people of mass destruction), I call much of the adult generation PMNs--people of mass naivete I say this because adults seem to believe that no child of theirs would touch alcohol before 21. Since that’s unrealistic, the issue should be: how can kids learn to drink responsibly The answer: by practising. Like figuring out how to throw a baseball, a person needs to learn by trial and error. Now, I am not proposing that under-age kids should have access to alcohol at all times, but they will never known when they have reached their limit without drinking a A. How to Practise Drinking B. Don’t Drink Beyond Your Limit C. My Personal Opinion on Alcohol Drinking D. Teaching Kids to Drink Responsibly [判断题]《企业会计制度》规定,业务收支以外币为主的企业,编制的财务会计报告也可以根据某种外币作为计量尺度。
[判断题]判断题:红外探测装置在检测过程中,8 组滑动门检测指示灯里有一束不亮,则表示该区域检测到障碍物。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]集控站接发列车工作在列车调度员的指挥下由( )负责|非集控站接发列车工作在列车调度员的指挥下由( )负责。
A.要求被检查单位提供有关建设工程安全生产的文件和资料 B.进入被检查单位施工现场进行检查 C.纠正施工中违反安全生产要求的行为 D.对检查中发现的安全事故隐患,责令立即排除 E.重大安全事故隐患排除前或者排除过程中无法保证安全的,责令从危险区域内撤出作业人员或者暂时停止施工 [单选题]在对被审计单位库存现金实施监盘过程中,负责清点现金的应当是()。
A.审计人员 B.出纳员 C.会计主管 D.仓库保管员 [单选题]以南宁地铁2号线电客车为例,齿轮箱首次更换润滑油之后,每次换油周期是为( )。
A.2年 B.1年 C.半年 D.3个月 [判断题]充电时应将充电枪完全插入充电口内,避免因雨淋漏电造成人身伤害或设备损坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某成年男性血沉加快,则其血沉测定值可能为( )
A. 5mm/L B. 15mm/L C. 8mm/L D. 13mm/L E. 17mm/L [多项选择]人的价值的基本特点有
A. 创造性 B. 自为性 C. 主体性和工具性的辩证统一 D. 客观性 [判断题]统计资料是国家和社会的重要信息资料。除少部分统计资料应该保密外,大部分统计资料应由社会公众共同享有。()
[单选题]对难以做到与电源完全断开的检修线路、设备,可( )其与电源之间的电气连接。
A.断开 B. 拆除 C. 隔离 D. 拉开 [多选题]国家税务总局印发《全国税务系统进一步优化税收营商环境行动方案 2018年—2022年)》中的基本原则包括 )。
A. 坚持问题导向 B. 坚持对标先进 C. 坚持试点先行 D. 坚持共治格局 [判断题]我国铁路线路上直线轨底坡采用1∶40,曲线轨底坡也不需要调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]申请办理移表的客户,在其()不变的条件下一下允许办理。()
A.用电地址 B.供电点 C.用电类别 D.用电容量 我来回答: 提交