{{B}}Centers of the Great European
Cities{{/B}} The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting, metropolitan (大都市的) atmosphere. Squares, plazas (广场) and arcades (拱廊) form the heart of Europe’s cities. Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco - a beautiful square surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafes. In Barcelona, Spain, La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. London’s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians, acrobats (杂技演员) and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impres A. there is a tight link between church and society B. all churches are magnificent C. old churches are very popular D. high-rise churches are impressive [判断题]设备检修要坚持预防为主、修养并重的方针,不断提高设备和供电质量;要厉行节约,降低成本,充分挖掘设备潜力,提高经济效益。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Mind wandering has long been thought of as the enemy of concentration,but that's not always true-the right kind of daydreaming can actually help you focus.Read on to discover how to take control of your wandering mind,and other simple ways to stay sharp when deadlines are looming.41.Research by Nilli Lavie at University College London has found that adding deliberate distractions-a jazzy border on a page or a bit of background noise-actually reduces distractibility.Her"load theory"proposes this works because attention is a limited resource,so ifyou fill all the attentional"slots"in your mind,it leaves no room for other distractions.42.The prospect of a treat can keep people focused,but only when it is well-timed,studies show.Offering people small rewards throughout a boring task didn't stop them from losing focus,but the promise of a larger reward that they would receive at the end of the task kept them alert.This approach probably works best with an accomplice to keep you from caving early,says Michael Esterman,at the Boston Attention and Learning Laboratory,who did the research 43.Stopping every now and again to give your mind a chance to wander can invigorate focus,says psychologist Paul Seli of Harvard University."If you say to yourself,now I'm going to think about something unrelated,maybe problem-solve something else that is on your mind,and then come back to your task,That can definitely be beneficial,"he says.44.You might think that an adrenaline boost would focus the mind,but stress actually stimulates the release of hormones,including noradrenaline(去甲肾上腺索),which bind to receptors in the cognitive control circuits.This in turn makes it harder for them to keep tabs on mind wandering.45.A lack of sleep hammers mental performance in general,and reduces our ability to resist both internal and external distractions.And there's an added bonus-sleep is also important for memory consolidation.In fact,recent research suggests that if you have an hour spare before an exam,a nap could be a more effective use of your time than spending it revising.42选?
A.Bribe yourself B.Daydream during breaks C.Get some breaks D.De-stress E.Give your mind more to do F.Have a big meal G.Test yourself regularly [单选题]患者,女性,36岁。体温39. 5龙,注射青霉 素后发生过敏性休克。最佳的处理方法是
A.停药、吸氧、保暖、注射地塞米松、平卧 B.停药、平卧、测血压、注射呼吸兴奋剂、 保暖 C.停药、平卧、吸氧、注射抗组胺药物、 保暖 D.停药、吸氧、保暖、注射间羟胺、平卧 E.停药、平卧、吸氧、保暖、注射盐酸肾上 腺素 [单项选择]铸造后的铸件最适宜的冷却方式是()
A. 温水冷却 B. 冷水冷却 C. 室温中自然冷却 D. 冷风吹凉 E. 冷水和热水均可 [单项选择]女性,43岁,毕Ⅱ氏胃大部切除术后2周,进食10min~20min后出现上腹饱胀,头晕、心悸、出汗、恶心呕吐。正确的处理是
A. 禁食,输液 B. 胃肠减压 C. 调节饮食,餐后平卧 D. 流质软食 E. 使用 [填空题]
Happiness Secrets for Tough Times 1. You don’t need an expert to tell you that relationships are critical to happiness. Not being the bread-winner anymore or not being able to fulfill your kid’s needs can weigh down hard on your family life. But the trick is to stop feeling guilty and focus on nurturing your loved ones. "I was at a psychology conference where an expert was talking about the effects of this economy on families and how parents can’t afford to buy their kids luxuries like toys anymore," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. "But what they don’t realize is that kids don’t care about toys-what they care about is parents being grumpy and taking it out on them." 2. Now more than ever we need each other to survive. Lyubomirsky found that doing good things for friends, family, or strangers can make you happier. Think of practical, everyday gestures that [单项选择]2006年1月1日起,我国停止征收的税种是( )
A. 车船使用牌照税 B. 城市房地产税 C. 农业税 D. 契税 [单选题]铁路视觉信号的绿色表示()。
A.停车 B.注意或减低速度 C.按规定速度运行 D.不起任何作用 [单项选择]张力性气胸的成因是()
A. 形成了血气胸 B. 破裂口自动闭合 C. 肺大疱破裂出血 D. 破裂口呈单向活瓣 E. 破裂口与外界相通 [单项选择]在数据库设计中,用E-R图来描述信息结构,但不涉及信息在计算机中的表示,它是数据库设计中的哪个阶段
A. 需求分析 B. 概念设计 C. 逻辑设计 D. 物理设计 [多项选择]甲公司在与乙公司交易中获汇票一张,出票人为丙公司,承兑人为丁公司,付款人为戊公司,汇票到期日为2003年11月30日。当下列哪些情况发生时,甲公司可以在汇票到期日前行使追索权
A. 乙公司申请注销法人资格 B. 丙公司被宣告破产 C. 丁公司被吊销营业执照 D. 戊公司因违法被责令终止业务活动 [单项选择]FIDIC合同条件规定,给( )的付款,应从暂列金额,内开支。
A. 保险人 B. 工程师 C. 分包商 D. 指定分包商 [多项选择]混悬剂质量评定方法有()。
A. 微粒大小的测定 B. 沉降体积比的测定 C. 絮凝度的测定 D. 重新分散实验 [单项选择]气管切开病人每日呼吸失水约( )
A. 400mL B. 600mL C. 800mL D. 1000mL E. 1200mL [单项选择]规划长距离输水管线时,输水管不宜少于两根。当其中一根发生事故时,另一根的事故给水量不应该小于正常给水量的( )。
A. 60% B. 65% C. 70% D. 75% [单选题]当1号发电机网路电门在关断位时会出现什么情况?
A.1号交流汇流条因1号发电机网路继电器在断开位而由2号发电机供电 B.1号和2号交流汇流条没有电并且应急发电机自动连接 C.1号交流汇流条因1号发电机失效而由2号发电机供电 [单项选择]
2685899 根据《医疗事故处理条例》的规定,经调查取证后,有权对该个体开业医师这一医疗行为是否构成医疗事故作出判定的机关是()。A. 镇政府文卫办公室 B. 市医学会 C. 县医学会 D. 市卫生局 E. 县卫生局 [单选题]湿邪阻遏,气血受困的面色是( )。
A.黄而鲜明 B.黄如烟熏 C.面黄而垢 D.淡黄消瘦 E.淡黄浮肿 [判断题]各单位可参照附录Q和现场情况划分一级和二级动火区,制定出需要执行一级和二级动火工作票的工作项目一览表,并经本单位分管生产的领导或技术负责人(总工程师)批准后执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]主产于内蒙古、山西、黑龙江()
A. 五味子 B. 木瓜 C. 吴茱萸 D. 小茴香 E. 枳壳 [判断题]高铁动车组发现旅客食物中毒时,对中毒旅客应立即采取催吐、导泄等方法进行紧急抢救,利用广播寻找医生帮助救治,控制病情。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病毒复制过程的各个时期,概括为六个步骤,以下造成病毒高度特异性最关键的步骤是()。
A. 病毒颗粒对敏感细胞的吸附 B. 病毒侵入细胞及核酸复创 C. 蛋白质衣壳粒和其他主要病毒组分的产生 D. 核酸和蛋白质装配成新的病毒颗粒 E. 成熟病毒颗粒从细胞中释放出 [填空题]在梯子上工作时,梯与地面的斜角度为( )左右。工作人员必须登在距梯顶不少于( )m的梯蹬上工作。
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