{{B}}Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following
passage.{{/B}} The increase in global trade means that international companies cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes if they want to be competitive. Understanding the language and culture of target markets in foreign countries is one of the keys to successful international marketing. Too many companies, however, have jumped into foreign markets with embarrassing results. Translation mistakes are at the heart of many blunders in international advertising. General Motors, the US auto manufacturer, got a costly lesson when it introduced its Chevrolet Nova to the Puerto Rican market. "Nova" is Latin for "new (star)" and means "star" in many languages, but in spoken Spanish it can sound like "nova", meaning "it doesn’t go". Few people wanted to buy a car with that cursed meaning. When GM ch A. A.Cultural Importance in Advertising. B.International Companies’ Translation Mistakes. C.Avoidance of Culture Oversights in Advertising. D.Prevention of Translation Blunders. [单选题]新中国外交政策成熟的标志是( )。
A.《中苏友好同盟互助条约》的签订 B.和平共处五项原则的提出 C.出席亚非会议(万隆会议) D.参加1954年的日内瓦国际会议 [单选题]74. 鼎汉电源屏(H型)只有II路电源正常时,交流接触器()吸合。
A.A.KM1、KM4 B.B.KM2、KM3 C.C.KM1、KM3 D.D.KM4、KM2 [单项选择]用来表示数据在系统中各种物理模块构成元素如程序、设备和数据之间的流动状况的工具是( )。
A. 数据流程图 B. 系统流程图 C. 模块结构图 D. IPO图 [单选题]代表飞行种类的字母G的含义?
A.定期的航空运输飞行 B.急救飞行 C.非定期的航空运输飞行,包括:旅客包机飞行、货包机飞行 D.通用航空飞行,包括:播种飞行、公务飞行、人工降雨飞行、护林飞行、农化飞行、物理探矿飞行等。 [多项选择]下列关于CM管理方法说法正确的是( )。
A. 有利于缩短建设工期 B. 可以减少施工阶段因修改设计而造成的实际进度拖后 C. 可以避免因设备供应而造成工程延期 D. 分批投产,提前获得收益 E. 监理工程师只要负责设计方面的管理和协调工作就可以确保工期目标的实现 [单项选择]我国历史上最早的刑法是( )。
A. 尧刑 B. 舜刑 C. 禹刑 D. 桀刑 [判断题]高速铁路安全保护区的范围的规定:城市市区不少于15m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]混凝土配合比的试配调整中规定,在混凝土强度试验时至少采用三个不同的配合比,其中一个应为下列哪种配合比?( )【该题涉及《普通混凝土配合比设计规程》JGJ55-2011中6.1.5内容】
A.初步配合比 B.试拌配合比 C.试验室配合比 D.施工配合比 [单选题]矿井抽出式通风的主要通风机因故障停止运转时,( )。
A. 井下风流压力升高,瓦斯涌出量减少 B. 井下风流压力降低,瓦斯涌出量增加 C. 井下风流压力不变,瓦斯涌出量不变 D. 井下风流压力升高,瓦斯涌出量增加 [单项选择]
Computer Crime A computer crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and software for illegal purposes. This doesn’t mean that all the crimes are new types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement (盗用)of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism (破坏行为), sabotage (阴谋破坏), and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer, these offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered. Computer crimes are on the rise and have been for the last twelve years. The British Crime Survey in 2002 and 2003 showed that 18% of households with internet access said their home computer had been affected by a virus. This had increased to 27% in 2003 and 2004. One-third said the virus had damaged their computer. The biennial Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Security Breaches survey reports th A. teenage hackers committed most computer crimes B. employees of the firm committed most computer crimes C. an "insider" is the computer criminal D. the offender is likely to be the boss of the company [多选题]在下列关于资产负债率、权益乘数和产权比率之间关系的表达式中,正确的有()。
A.权益乘数-产权比率=1 B.权益乘数=1/(1-资产负债率) C.资产负债率×权益乘数=产权比率 D.(1+产权比率)×(1-资产负债率)=1 我来回答: 提交