{{B}}Text{{/B}} A special lab at the University of Chicago is busy only{{U}} (26) {{/U}}. It is a dream{{U}} (27) {{/U}}where re- searchers are at work{{U}} (28) {{/U}}dreamers. Their findings have concluded that{{U}} (29) {{/U}}dreams from three to seven times each night,{{U}} (30) {{/U}}in ordinary life a person may{{U}} (31) {{/U}}none or only one of his dreams. While the{{U}} (32) {{/U}}sleep, special machines{{U}} (33) {{/U}}their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that{{U}} (34) {{/U}}the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects{{U}} (35) {{/U}}soundly. {{U}} (36) {{/U}}say that a person usually fidgets(烦躁) before a dream.{{U}} (37) {{/U}}the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes{{U}} (38) {{/U}}more active, as if A. manufacture B. initiate C. prepare D. record [单项选择]逆行肾盂造影的禁忌证是下列哪项()
A. 碘过敏者 B. 下尿路感染者 C. 静脉尿路造影显影不满意者 D. 肾功能严重损害者 E. 肝功能严重损害者 [单项选择]双代号时标网络计划中,波形线表示( )。
A. 自由时间 B. 间歇时间 C. 总时差 D. 自由时差 [单选题]某介质的热力学温度为423K,换算成摄氏度为()℃。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单选题]SS4型电力机车架修时,TGZ4A-4×1680/1020型整流装置中主整流管和主晶闸管测试电压URRM(UDRM)为3000V时,断态(反向)重复峰值电流不大于( )(室温条件下)。
A.45mA B.50mA C.55mA D.60mA [判断题]不得穿着非标或过期防护装备,严禁私自拆改结构.去除附件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]再障下列哪些不正确
A. 骨髓增生低下 B. 铁剂、叶酸治疗无效 C. 浆细胞单核淋巴细胞等非造血细胞增多 D. 巨核细胞数量减少 E. 慢性病例,贫血感染出血较轻 [判断题]进出物料量的变化、热源的变化都能引起精馏塔温度波动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据我国《工程建设项目招标范围和规模标准规定》,施工单项合同估算价在( )万元人民币以上的工程建设项目必须进行招标。
A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 D. 500 [判断题]旅客列车中途站加挂客车时,由客列检将调度命令转交车辆乘务员,无客列检作业时由车站值班员指派人员转交车辆乘务员。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]握手时应该注意哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公安民警管理使用枪支的,应当遵守下列安全规定( )
A.上班或者执行任务领用枪支后必须严格验枪,下班或者完成任务后必须及时交回并由枪管员验枪收回 B.工作期间因私外出的,所携带枪支必须交回并由枪管员验枪收回 C.在依法依规使用枪支的情形下,应当准确判定目标,规范操作动作,防止误判或者误伤他人 D.严禁私存、私带、私借枪支弹药 E.严禁持枪打闹或者枪口对人 F.严禁摆弄枪支或者随意动用他人枪支 G.严禁持枪打猎、擅自打靶或者安排他人打靶 [单选题]( )对于“商品经济社会”相当于()对于“生命肌体”
A.商品流通;血液循环 B.文化建设;新陈代谢 C.工厂;器官 D.国家;食物 [判断题]货车停留时间包括无调中转车和有调中转车停留时间。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应综合考虑职业病危害因素的危害性、暴露浓度(强度)间、防护水平等因素、通过合适的风险模型、进行风险评估分级。
A.职业病危害分级 B.职业病隐患分级 C.职业病危害风险分级 [单项选择]关于中国民主建国中央委员会,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 主要有经济界人士组成 B. 具有政治联盟特点 C. 致力于社会主义事业 D. 主要活动范围在台湾省 [单项选择]主要反映肾小球滤过功能的检查是()
A. 酚红排泄试验 B. 尿浓缩稀释试验 C. 酸碱失衡试验 D. 血清补体成分测定 E. 内生肌酐清除率检查 [单选题]流动式起重机的回转机构可使起重机作360°的( )。
A.顺时针回转 B.逆时针回转 C.双向回转 [判断题]散热器分为明装、暗装和半暗装三种形式。
[多项选择]技术效果后评价主要关注技术的( )。
A. 先进性 B. 适用性 C. 效益性 D. 经济性 E. 全性 [判断题]紫外仪开机后,增益设置应设为最小。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CRH380B动车组,设备技术手册预防性维护项目应包含一至五级项目的( )( )及记录单。
A.检修标准 B.维修大纲 C.检修项目 D.维修卡片 [判断题]以极性键结合的分子都是极性分于。
A. 这种倾向把教书和育人截然分开、对立起来 B. 这种倾向把教书和育人混为一谈 C. 这是一种以学科为本位的教学观 D. 这种观点以教书为天职,以完成学科知识传授、能力培养为己任 [多项选择]招标文件应当包括( )。
A. 招标项目的技术要求 B. 对投标人资格审查的标准 C. 投标报价要求 D. 中标人的名称和地址 E. 拟签订合同的主要条款 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Scotland:A Land of Wisdom
In the l740s,the famous French philosopher Voltaire said“We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization.”That's not a bad advertisement for any country when it comes to attracting people to search for a first-class education. According to the American author Arthur Herman,the Scots invented the modern world it-self. He argues that Scottish thinkers and intellectuals worked out many of the most important ideas on which modern life depends-everything from the scientific method to market economics.Their ideas did not just spread among intellectuals,but to those people in business,government and the sciences who actually shaped the Western world. It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment(启蒙运动), which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800.Before that,philosophy was mainly concerned with religion.For the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment,the proper study of humanity was mankind itself. Their reasoning was practical.For the philosopher David Hume,humanity was the right sub-ject for philosophy because we can examine human behavior and so find real evidence of how peo- ple think and feel.And from that we can make judgments about the societies we live in and make concrete suggestions about how they can be improved for universal benefit. Hume's enquiry into the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for the scientific method- the pursuit of truth through experiment. His friend and fellow resident of Edinburgh,Adam Smith, famously applied the study of mankind to the ways in which mankind does business.Trade,he ar- gued,was a form of information.In pursuing our own interests through trading in markets,we all come to benefit each other. Smith's idea has dominated modern views of economics.It also has wide applications.He was one of the philosophers to point out that nations can become rich,free and powerful through peace,trade and invention. Although the Scottish Enlightenment ended a long time ago,the ideas which evolved at that time still underpin(构成……的基础)our theories of human exchange and enquiry. It also exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combines academic excellence with orientation(方向). Our current theories of human exchange and enquiry have nothing to do with the ideas developed during the Scottish Enlightenment. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [多选题]心理咨询效果评定的内容是()
A.咨询的有效性 B.咨询的不良结果 C.咨询的效率 D.咨询的时间 [单选题]下行峰值速率优化可通过调整部分关键参数实现,以下哪种方式错误?
A.PDSCH DMRS类型使用Type1 B.NSA组网关闭SIB1 C.打开SSB rate match功能 D.PDCCH符号长度为1 [单项选择]某企业因火灾原因盘亏,一批材料16000元,该批材料的进项税额为2720元。收到各种赔款1500元,残料入库200元。报经批准后,应记入"营业外支出"科目的金额为()元。
A. 17020 B. 18620 C. 14300 D. 14400 我来回答: 提交