Higher education has a responsibility
to provide a workforce with the design capability and high-level technical
design skills to generate growth in key industries with the potential to support
the UK’s economic health. The Higher Ambitions report from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills {{U}} (62) {{/U}}: "Britain must rebuild its economic growth and invest in the skills and competitive strengths that will {{U}} (63) {{/U}} a sustainable recovery and balanced future economy." {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, it specifically calls {{U}} (65) {{/U}} "enhanced support for the Stem subject A. shrinking B. flourishing C. competing D. uniting [单选题]线路允许速度 160km/h,一般情况,圆曲线或夹直线最小长度为( )m。
A.175 B.140 C.130 D.60 [单项选择]乒乓球运动的发源地是()
A. 中国 B. 日本 C. 英国 [填空题]攀登支柱前要检查支柱状态,观察支柱上有无其它设备,选好攀登<--NRC-->。
[单选题]下面不属于PTN分组传送的特点的是 ( )
A.提供QoS保证 B.电信级的维护管理 C. 面向连接的多业务传送 D. 刚性管道 [多选题]关于车辆相撞事故被困人员救援,下面描述正确的是( )。
A. 首先查明被困者伤情,并采取固定、包扎、输液等急救措施 B. 救人第一,争分夺秒,强行移出被困者 C. 采取车体破拆、顶撑等措施,打通救援通道 D. 对救出人员视情再次采取急救措施,并后送医院救治 [单项选择]—I didn't do well in the exam. What about you
—I did ______ you. Maybe even worse. A. not better than B. not worse than C. as well as D. no better than [单项选择]物业管理二级服务标准规定:每( )日巡查一次装修施工现场,发现影响房屋外观、危及房屋结构安全及拆改共用管线等损害公共利益现象的,及时劝阻并报告业主委员会和有关主管部门。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]由并联电容器无功补偿原理可知,补偿容量与系统频率成反比。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]移动供气源如两人同时使用,先完成佩戴的人员可以先进入。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]There is growing interest in East Japan Railway Co., Ltd. As one of the six companies, it created out of the (1) national railway system. In an industry lacking exciting growth (2) , its plan to use real estate assets in and around train stations (3) is drawing interest.
In a plan dubbed "Station Renaissance" that it (4) in November, JR East said that it would (5) out, using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants, extending them to (6) more suitable for the information age. It wants train stations as pick-up (7) for such goods as books, flowers and groceries purchased (8) the Internet. In a country (9) urbanites depend heavily on trains (10) commuting, about 11 million people a day go to its train stations anyway, the company (11) . So, picking up purchases at train stations spare (12) extra travel and missed home deliveries. JR East a A. endeavors B. enterprises C. functions D. performances [单选题]CRH380B型动车组三级修外风挡橡胶囊油漆无直径大于()mm 且高度或深度大于 2mm 的气泡。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多项选择]下列各项支出,应计入无形资产成本的有( )。
A. 购入专利权发生的支出 B. 购入非专利技术发生的支出 C. 取得土地使用权发生的支出 D. 新技术研究阶段发生的支出 [单项选择]采用施工总承包管理模式的基本出发点是()。
A. 分包人的工程款由施工总承包单位支付 B. 分包合同的招标可以提前 C. 在进行对施工总承包管理单位的招标时,只确定施工总承包管理费 D. 由施工总承包管理单位负责对所有分包人的管理和组织协调 [单选题]前列腺切除术后出现膀胱痉挛时的护理措施是( )。
A.深呼吸放松腹肌 B.鼓励多饮水 C.加快膀胱冲洗速度 D.拔除尿管 E.改变体位 [多选题]我公司热电车间的大气污染物监测指标有( ),
A. 氮氧化物、 B. 烟尘 C. 二氧化硫 D. 二氧化碳 [单选题]特种设备出厂时,应当随附( )、监督检验证明等相关技术资料和文件,并在特种设备显著位置设置产品铭牌、安全警示标志及其说明。第21条①安全技术规范要求的设计文件②产品质量合格证明③安装及使用维护保养说明
A.A、①③ B.B、①②③ C.C、①② D.D、②③ [判断题]营业线施工中因设备管理单位的原因造成的设备故障,定设备管理单位的责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交