With the US economy slowing down,
layoffs are everywhere. No industry is spared. If you end up having to start
over, in addition to starting your job search, there are several things you
should take care of to make your transition a smooth one. First and foremost, clear up any misunderstanding about how and why you left your last job with your ex-boss. Whether you left voluntarily, were fired or were laid off due to budget cutbacks, make sure you both have the same explanation. Agree on job titles accordingly. Also ask for a reference if you think your ex-boss will offer one and you trust that he or she will speak honestly about your performance. You should have a source of emergency cash that you can use in the interim. Don’t panic and liquidate your stocks and bonds just yet, be optimistic in your prospects while also be mor A. 401(k) account can be terminated by the employers anytime they want. B. 401(k) account can be withdrawn by the unemployed staff before their retirement. C. 401(k) fund is invested in international stock market only. D. 401(k) account can be transferred from one’s ex-employer to one’s new employer. [单项选择]The workers finally (called off) the strike.
A. put off B. ended C. cancelled D. participated in [单选题]关于红外辐射,下面说法正确的是(____)。
A.A、 红外辐射可传透大气而没有任何衰减 B.B、 红外辐射可通过光亮金属反射 C.C、 红外辐射可透过玻璃 D.D、 红外辐射对人体有损害 [单选题](49781)调整车钩高度时,在钩托板上垫入1mm磨耗板,车钩高度约调高( )。(1.0分)
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [单选题]独立避雷针()进行一次接地导通测试
A.每年 B.每两年 C.每三年 D.每四年 [单项选择]病历摘要:患者女性,56岁,近一年来容易口干舌燥,烦渴喜饮,常觉五心烦热,腰酸膝软,失眠盗汗,尿频量多,浊如脂膏,并自觉几月来开始消瘦,今日来医院求治,查体:舌质红,舌体瘦而干,苔少,脉细数。该病人考虑何辨证?()
A. 消渴阴精亏虚 B. 消渴津伤燥热 C. 消渴气阴两虚 D. 消渴阴阳两虚 E. 消渴肾气亏虚 F. 消渴淤血阻滞 [判断题](易)电流互感器的负荷与其所接一次线路上的负荷大小有关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何治疗猪丹毒性关节炎病?
[单项选择]地西泮效应最强的给药途径是( )
A. 肌注 B. 静注 C. 口服 D. 直肠 E. 气管内 [单选题]工程监理单位()转让工程监理业务。
A.可以 B.必须 C. 自行决定是否 D.不得 [判断题]变电站装设了并联电容器组后,上一级线路输送的无功功率将减少。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]西洋参的主治病证是()。
A. 中气不足,肺气亏虚 B. 气虚欲脱,肺气亏虚 C. 阴虚火旺,肺气亏虚 D. 肾虚遗精,肺气亏虚 E. 暑湿吐泻,肺气亏虚 [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查工作手册》第 14 条,民航安检业务管理手册的内容应当包括( )
A.民航安检工作岗位作业台账和记录表单 B.民航安检工作岗位勤务实施规程和服务规范 C.民航安检工作岗位特殊情况处置及信息报告 D.民航安检机构组织架构及分工情况 [单项选择]质量教育培训的范围包括()。
A. 技术人员 B. 管理人员 C. 关键岗位员工 D. 组织自高层领导到一线员工的所有人员 [简答题]您是宏远公司行政秘书高叶,下面是行政经理苏明需要您完成的任务。
高叶: 请你向办公室新来的秘书介绍会议记录中发生的主要缺陷和解决办法,于9月18日交给我审阅。 谢谢 行政经理苏明 2008年9月15日 我来回答: 提交