16-20 The freedom to lead different types of life is reflected in the person’s capacity set. The capacity of a person depends on a variety of factors, including personal characteristics and social arrangements. A full accounting of individual freedom must, of course, go beyond the capacities of personal living and pay attention to the person’s other objectives ( e.g. social goals not directly related to one’s own life), but human capacities constitute an important part of individual freedom. Freedom, of course, is not an unproblematic concept. For example, if we do not have the courage to choose to live in a particular way, even though we could live that way if we so choose, can it be said that we do have the freedom to live that way, i.e. the correspondent capacity It is not any purpose here to brush under the ca A. regard human capacity as one of the important components B. consider a variety of factors, including personal characters and social arrangements C. not be confined to person’s other objectives, including personal capacities D. go further into human capacities and consider a person’s other objectives [判断题]在进站道岔外方线路上施工,对区间方向,不需设置移动停车信号牌(灯),以关闭的进站信号机防护。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电子现金圈存业务可由他人代为办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]牵引供电设备故障时,与牵引供电设备相连接的支柱、接地引下线、()线等可能出现高电压,未采取安全措施前,禁止与其接触,并保持安全距离。
A. 补气养血,固冲止血 B. 滋阴凉血,固冲止血 C. 清热凉血,固冲止血 D. 活血化瘀,固冲止血 E. 疏肝理气,固冲止血 [单选题][单选]附着式升降脚手架架体全高与支承跨度的乘积不应大于( )。
A.80m2 B.100m2 C.110m2 D.120m2 [单选题]以下哪个标准是以太网标准
A.A.IEEE802.4 B.B.EEE802.5 C.C.IEEE802.3 D.D.EEE802.11 [单项选择]协商和沟通属于《职业健康安全管理体系一规范》体系规范的总体结构( )基本要求和内容。
A. 策划 B. 实施与运行 C. 检查和纠正措施 D. 管理评审 [简答题]简述笔迹鉴定的方法。
[判断题]在中央七届六中全会上提出“农业合作化发展速度不宜过快,要求不能过急"的意见,被定为"右倾机会主义“,而受到批判的是 陈云。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交