Our ability to think has long been considered central to what makes us human. Now research suggests that our bodies and their relationship with the environment (1) even our most abstract thoughts. This includes thinking up random numbers or deciding (2) to review positive or negative experiences.
"Advocates of traditional (3) of cognition would be surprised," says Tobias Loetscher at the University of Melbourne in Parkville, Australia. "They (4) consider human reasoning to involve abstract cognitive processes without any connection to body or space."
Until recently, the (5) has been that our bodies (6) only to our most basic interactions with the environment, (7) sensory and motor processes. The new results suggest that our bodies are also (8) to produce abstract thought, and that even seemingly (9) activities have the power to influence our thinking. (10)
A. generally
B. almost
C. hardly
D. absolutely
Because of its potential for cutting
costs, the distribution step in the marketing process is receiving more
attention. Distribution involves warehousing, transporting and keeping inventory
of manufactured products. Take an everyday product like fabric softener. After
it comes off the assembly line, it’s packed in cartons and trucked to warehouses
around the country. When orders come in from retailers, the fabric softener is
delivered to supermarket shelves. This is distribution. Probably the most crucial area for controlling costs is inventory. Companies don’t want to overproduce and have unsold stock of their product piled up in warehouses. Wholesale companies and large retail chains employ several techniques for inventory control. This is where the computer revolution really had an impact. Computerized information systems give precise and up-to-date A. It is where companies research and develop new products. B. It is where companies can cut costs. C. It is where employees can update their computer skills. D. It provides jobs for college graduates. [单选题]第一届全国人民代表大会选举的人大常委会委员长是﹍﹍﹍。( )
A.董必武 B.周恩来 C.刘少奇 D.林伯渠 [多项选择]内脏痛觉的特点( )
A. 定位精确 B. 有牵涉痛 C. 对牵拉烧伤敏感 D. 对炎症、切割敏感 E. 对缺血敏感 [判断题]用20G材料作主轴,需进行渗碳淬硬,其上面的螺纹要留去碳层.
[单选题]高压电气设备停电检修时,防止检修人员走错位,误入带电间隔及过分接近带电部分,一般采用( )进行防护。
A.A.绝缘台 B.标识牌 C.遮拦防护 [单选题]电客车检修作业中拉下紧急解锁手柄时,齿轮盘和飞轮将( )。
A.分离 B.啮合 C.不动作 [判断题]负荷开关是介于断路器和隔离开关之间的一种开关电器,用于切断短路电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]银汞合金充填后,患牙可用于咀嚼需等待的时间是
A. 3小时 B. 6小时 C. 12小时 D. 24小时 E. 48小时 [单选题]对己知多元素金属化合物进行测定时,应选用( )。
A.原子吸收分光光计 B.多通道等离子发射光谱仪 C.离子计 D.质谱仪 [简答题]需要计费的网络资源有哪些?计费日志应包括哪些信息?
根据案例三回答89~94题。投保人可选择的保险金给付方式通常不包括( )。
A. 定期收入方式 B. 定额收入方式 C. 利息收入方式 D. 本金收入方式 我来回答: 提交