Dried Foods{{/B}} Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture {{U}} (51) {{/U}} food helped to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this was to expose the food to the sun and wind. In this {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the North American Indians produce dried meat and make it into cakes, the Scandinavians make {{U}} (53) {{/U}} fish and the Arabs make dried dates. All foods contain {{U}} (54) {{/U}}, cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75%, and fish anything from 80% to 60% depending {{U}} (55) {{/U}} how fatty it is. If this water is {{U}} (56) {{/U}}, the activity of the bacteria which causes food to go bad is stopped. Now day most foo A. for B. as C. with D. in [单选题]接地是防止静电事故最常用、最基本的安全技术措施。由于静电本身的特点,静电接地与电气设备接地的技术要求有所不同。下列做法中,不符合静电接地技术要求的是()。
A..使防静电接地电阻越小越好 B..装卸工作开始前先连接接地线,装卸工作结束后才能拆除接地线 C..将现场所有不带电的金属杆连接成整体 D..防静电接地在一定情况下可与电气设备的接地共用 [多项选择]尿浊的临床特征是 ()
A. 小便混浊 B. 白如泔浆 C. 尿时无涩痛不利感 D. 尿中带血 E. 尿夹砂石 [单选题]医院的规章制度与工作制度属于:( )
A.硬件设施 B.软件设施 C.两者都是 D.两者均不是 [单选题]线路大、中修时,五年内年计划通过总重W年≥50Mt,一般路基无垫层的碎石道床厚度()mm。
A.250 B.300 C.350 D.450 [判断题]形象思维是指用直观形象和表象解决问题的思维方法,是用事物的表象来进行分析、综合、抽象、概括的过程。具有具体形象性、完整性和跳跃性等特点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
The Drugs Don’t Work A.Just last month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a stunning report on the impact of resistant bacteria. According to the analysis, which CDC officials said was conservative, more than 2 million people are infected in the United States each year by bacteria that are resistant to a wide array of the safest and most effective antibiotics. Of those, at least 23,000 die. The illnesses and deaths cost society some $55 billion annually-S20 billion from additional health-care spending and $35 billion from lost productivity. "If we are not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era," said Dr. Tom Frieden, the director of the CDC. "And for some patients and for some microbes, we are already there." B.Resistant bacteria spread not only with cross-contamination from people who are already sick or unknowingly carrying the microbes; they also come from food Americans eat. Indeed, a cur [单选题]经互感器接入式低压电能计量装置装拆及验收标准化作业指导书规定安装互感器时的工作内容不包括( )。
A.电流互感器一次绕组与电源串联接入,并可靠固定 B.同一组的电流互感器应采用制造厂、型号、额定电流变比、准确度等级、二次容量均相同的互感器 C.电流互感器进线端极性符号应一致 D.正确连接电能表 [单项选择]心血管常选用
A. 高千伏摄影 B. 双重造影 C. 连续摄影 D. 纸包片摄影 E. 软组织摄影指出下列部位相应常规检查技术 [单选题]痔的病因除外
A.解剖因素 B.辛辣食物 C.腹内压增加 D.行动过多 E.局部的慢性感染 [判断题]《深化营销稽查与质量监督体系建设两年行动计划》中要求:加强稽查与营销各专业协同互助,各专业及时向稽查专业提供最新业务规范和管理要求,滚动修订稽查依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客舱内部过道应急灯(行李架边缘)相邻/斜对面连续______个不亮,属于不适航。
A.5个 B.4个 C.3个 D.2个 [单选题]能源互联网是一个正在发展中的内涵外延丰富、包容性很强的概念,是能源电力系统发展的(____)阶段。
A.初级 B.中级 C.起步 D.更高 [判断题]列车运行中碰撞轻型车辆、小车、施工机械、机具、防护栅栏等设备或路料、坍体、落石为一般C类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在安徽蚌埠发现的距今约( )年双墩遗址,是目前淮河中游地区已发现的年代最早的新石器时代文化遗存。
A.5000 B.6000 C.7000 D.8000 我来回答: 提交