Film is a medium that might have been
especially made for America, a vast country which, by the beginning of the
twentieth century, had a large {{U}} (67) {{/U}} population, many
of whom could {{U}} (68) {{/U}} speak English. These people would have
had {{U}} (69) {{/U}} use for theater, {{U}} (70) {{/U}} they
lived within easy distance of one, or {{U}} (71) {{/U}} most of the books
they could buy {{U}} (72) {{/U}} they did not have enough English. But
the movies--the silent movies—these they could all understand, so
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} America had more than any European country was a huge
{{U}} (74) {{/U}} audience, a large proportion of them pretty un
educated. And what these people wanted were {{U}} (75) {{/U}} stories in
which, {{U}} (76) {{/U}} the fact they couldn’t understand the
captions, the action {{U}} (77) {{/U}} all. In f A. as B. in C. within D. for [单项选择]削刀削发可使发式(),并能将头发削薄。
A. 不成型 B. 成型 C. 成型较差 D. 成型很差 [单选题]清除溺水者口鼻异物的正确方法是( )。
A.把溺水者的头偏向一侧 B.救护员半蹲,让溺水者头朝下倚靠着 C.溺水者仰卧在地上,用仰头举颏法 D.将溺水者倒挂,使异物自然排出 [单项选择]______易在体内蓄积。
A. 维生素C B. 维生素B1 C. 维生素A D. 维生素B6 [单选题]不是CDZ53举高消防车向下变幅时发抖不平稳,或无法下降故障原因的是( )。( )
A.变幅油缸两铰链在同一直线上 B.变幅平衡阀出现故障 C.电液比例流量控制不住 D.电液比例先导阀输出电流不稳 [单选题]由咨询师为求助者示范良好行为,而后引导、鼓励求助者表达相同的行为,这种方法是模仿法中的( )。
A. 生活示范 B. 象征性示范 C. 内隐示范 D. 参与示范 [判断题]CRH2系列动车组被救援时,优先选择过渡车钩连挂的重联模式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]使用消防水带时应注意( )。
A.铺设时应避免骤然曲折或扭转 B.不得随意在地面拖拉水带 C.登高铺设时要用水带挂钩 D.通过道路时安置水带护桥 [判断题]运营线路采用两级电压集中供电
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]办理更名、过户业务,应查验相关资料,确保业务办理的真实性和有效性;应对原客户电费进行清算、结清全部债务,并与新客户重新签订供用电合同。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]空调管道系统冲洗应采用专门的冲洗泵,为保证冲洗效果,水流速度不得低于()m/s。
A. 1.0 B. 2.0 C. 3.0 D. 4.0 [判断题]《行车组织规则》是行车组织工作的基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交