Imagine that you are in hospital,
waiting to have an operation. It is time to go to the theatre; the anesthetist
approaches you and speaks. But instead of the reassuring words" I’m just going
to give you something to send you off to sleep", you hear: "Let me take you on a
trip towards death". Terrifying Maybe, but that is what having a general
anesthetic is all about. "If you give a small amount of an anesthetic drug, it
won’ t have any effect. If you give more, it will put the patient off to sleep,
but if you give more still it can kill the patient." In a modem hospital, before you are given an anesthetic, an anesthetist asks you a number of questions to decide which drugs to use. Most importantly, they check the state of your heart and lungs and ask if you have asthma, angina or have ever had a heart attack. They want to know about A. general anesthesia is dangerous B. the operation will pain the patient m death C. the operation will kill the patient D. the anesthetist is speaking in a joking way [单项选择]程序教学的创立者是()。
A. 加涅 B. 安德森 C. 奥苏泊尔 D. 斯金纳 [单选题] 某幼儿园,健康体检中,发现一名男孩,身高106.9体重20.7。请对该名儿童做出健康评价(请参考北京市托幼机构卫生保健工作常规28页-55页)( ) [单选题] * B.超重 C.肥胖 D.消瘦 [单选题]遥控器对比度英文
A.Displ(A)y B.(C)ONTR(A)ST C.(B)RIGHTNESS [单项选择]如图为静脉内血栓的大体观,此血栓应属以下哪一类()
A. 白色血栓 B. 红色血栓 C. 混合血栓 D. 透明血栓 E. 微血栓 [单项选择]在口腔黏膜中药物渗透性能最佳部位是( )。
A. 颊黏膜 B. 舌下黏膜 C. 牙龈黏膜 D. 硬腭前部黏膜 E. 硬腭后部黏膜 [单项选择]药材蟾酥含有的主要化学成分类型是()
A. 蛋白质、氨基酸等 B. 脑素 C. 胆汁色素、胆汁酸类 D. 毒性蛋白 E. 强心甾类 [单选题]如图所示,①表示的是( )。
A.状态量模拟器 B.控制执行器 C.程控功率三相源 D.直流信号源 [单选题]患者,男性,25岁。双腿不慎被开水烫伤,可考虑为其选用的保护具是
A.床档 B.支被架 C.肩部约束带 D.腕部约束带 E.踝部约束带 [填空题]车站各就地级控制器通过()通讯连接至门禁主控制器。
[填空题]气焊设备包括氧气瓶、乙炔发生器或( )、回火防止器和减压器等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. latest B. earliest C. longest D. eldest [判断题]链传动时,最好将链条的松边置于上方,紧边置于下方。( )
[简答题]单位举办”七一“活动,要求体现主题,务实简单,全民参与。 七一是建党纪念日,为宣传党的号召和贯彻党的方针具有重要的意义,所以我会认真准备,举办好这次活
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 当安全卡瓦的丝杠销损坏时,( )用其他材料代替。
A.可以 B.不能 C.可以暂时 D.一般不能 [填空题]客户的()是企业未来利润最好的指标器。
A.可以 B.最好不要 C.视情况可以 D.不应 E.lue [单选题]在“割”制混酥面坯时,如果(),往往会破坏混酥面坯表面结构,影响成品的美观。
A.不能轻柔快速 B.用力太大、过猛 C.不能一次性成功 D.缓慢切割 [单项选择]下列哪些项目不需要层压工序检查()
A. 组件内部垃圾 B. TPT移位,未盖住玻璃,TPT划伤 C. 组件内气泡,碎片 D. 组件电性能 [单选题]( )是铁路免费运输的物品。
A.中国铁路文工团演出用的服装、道具、布景。 B.抢险救灾物品 C.救灾药品 D.中小学教材 [单项选择]08F牌号中,08表示其平均的含碳量为()。
A. 0.08% B. 0.8% C. 8% [单项选择]丹参抑制血小板聚集的作用机制主要是()
A. 抑制磷脂酶A B. 抑制环氧酶 C. 抑制磷酸二酯酶 D. 抑制TXA2合成酶 E. 抑制腺苷酸环化酶 [判断题]应急现场通信设备磁石话机手摇发电机输出电压应不小于50V。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一氧化碳的爆炸极限为( )%VOL。
A.2.8-14.4 B.2.5-100 C.12.5-74.2 D.4.3-45.5 [单项选择]
You will hear some dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to read your answer. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
A. Because smoking makes them feel relaxed. B. Because smoking cures them of cancer. C. Because they like the taste of tar. D. Because smoking is fun to them. [判断题]套螺纹按规定确定圆杆直径,同时将圆杆顶端倒角5°~ 8°便于起削。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]张三被判处有期徒刑2年,缓刑3年。在执行期间,公安机关应当扣押其身份证。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交