Threats from nomadic people in the
north were (31) throughout Chinese history. They were
continually attacking the Chinese northern (32) . With each
new emperor, came endless debate about how to (33)
the barbarians. There were four options: (34) offensive
campaigns to drive them away or to destroy them; create defensive garrisons;
develop diplomatic and (35) ties with them, or build a wall
to keep them out. All the options were (36) at various times. Experience showed that (37) campaigns were too costly and very risky, (38) defensive garrisons could not respond quickly enough (39) [单项选择]第一篇 Longer Lives for Wild Elephants
Most people think of zoos as safe places for animals, where straggles such as difficulty finding food and avoiding predators don’t exist. Without such problems, animals in zoos should live to a ripe old age.
But that may not be true for the largest land animals on Earth. Scientists have known that elephants in zoos often suffer from poor health. They develop diseases. joint problems and behavior changes. Sometimes, they even become infertile, or unable to have babies.
To learn more about how captivity affects elephants, a team of international scientists compared the life spans of female elephants born in zoos with female elephants living outdoors in their native lands. Zoos keep detailed records of all the animals in their care, documenting factors such as birth dates, illnesses, weight and death. These records made it possible for the researchers to analyze 40 years of data on 800 African and Asian elephants in zoos across Europe. The scientists
A. live longer. B. grew up faster. C. enjoyed the same life spans. D. died much earlier. [单项选择]有弧度的前风挡玻璃贴膜前必须进行定型处理,定型的手法最好是()。
A. 高温高速 B. 高温低速 C. 低温高速 D. 低温低速 [填空题]电动葫芦使用过程中歪拉斜吊起升不垂直会造成导绳器()。
[单选题] 铭牌标志中5(20)A的5表示()。
A. 标定电流 B. 负载电流 C. 最大额定电流 D. 工作电流 [单选题]选择基牙的最低限度是临床冠根比( )
A.1:2 B.2:1 C.3:1 D.1:1 E.1:3 [单项选择]经营主体注册商标且产品通过第三方检验检测机构质量认证的,一次性奖励()元。
A. 700 B. 800 C. 900 D. 1000 [多选题]按照现行规定,下列各项中被认定为小规模纳税人的有()。
A.会计核算不健全,年不含税销售额在50万元以下的从事货物生产的纳税人 B.年不含税销售额100万元以上的从事货物批发的纳税人 C.年不含税销售额为80万元以下,会计核算制度不健全的从事货物零售的纳税人 D.年不含税销售额为60万元,会计核算制度健全的从事货物生产的纳税人 [多选题]根据孔隙度大小进行分级,孔隙度为20-30%储层评价为很好,孔隙度为5-10%储层评价为差,孔隙度为0-5%储层评价为无价值,符合上述储集层划分标准的有()。
A.砂砾岩 B.中砂岩 C.石灰岩 D.花岗岩 E.粉砂岩 F.略 [单选题]KEYNOTE028研究中所有级药物相关不良事件发生率为( )。
A.90% B.85.5% C.74.1% D.60.7% [单项选择]在一次汽车估损中,需要在专业的估损手册中查询碳罐总成的价格和工时信息,应在手册的哪个部分中查询()?
A. 排气系统 B. 进气系统 C. 燃油系统 D. 点火系统 [判断题]SCC单板黄色指示灯闪烁说明他与网管之间通讯不畅。
[单选题]当银行只有一种或很少几种产品时,应当采取( )营销组织。
A.职能型 B.产品型 C.市场型 D.区域型 [单选题]下列说法正确的是()。
A.泵只能在工作点下工作; B.泵的设计点即泵在指定管路上的工作点; C.管路的扬程和流量取决于泵的扬程和流量; D.改变离心泵工作点的常用方法是改变转速。 [多选题]消防救援队伍应适应职业化建设新要求,跟进落实( )等措施。
A. 个人健康档案 B. 职业体检 C. 疗休养 D. 职业荣誉及优抚 [单项选择]谢某对某公安局以其实施盗窃为由处以 15日拘留的处罚不服,向法院提起行政诉讼。该局向法院提供的证据有:报案人的报案电话记录、公安人员询问笔录、失窃现场勘验笔录、现场提取的指纹一枚及该指纹系谢某左手拇指所留的鉴定书。下列哪一种说法是正确的( )
A. 对报案人所作的询问笔录应当加盖某公安局、公安人员和报案人印章 B. 现场提取的指纹为物证 C. 某公安局提供的证据均为直接证据 D. 根据某公安局所提供的证据,可以认定其处罚决定证据确实充分 [单项选择]下列情形中,不可以对犯罪嫌疑人决定取保候审的是()
A. 犯罪嫌疑人可能被判处管制的 B. 犯罪嫌疑人可能被判处拘役的 C. 犯罪嫌疑人正在怀孕的 D. 犯罪嫌疑人是累犯的 [判断题]局扇正常运转时,瓦斯浓度超过1%时或二氧化碳超过1.5%时,仍可以继续作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]红外检测表面温度判断法主要适用于电流致热型和电压效应引起发热的设备。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交