Humans are unique in the extent to
which they can reflect on themselves and others. Humans are able to
(21) , to think in abstract terms, to reflect on the future.
A meaningless, (22) world is an insecure world. We do not
like extensive insecurity. When it (23) to human behavior we
infer meaning and (24) to make the behavior
understandable. (25) all this means is that people develop "quasi theories" of human behavior, that is, theories that are not developed in a(an) (26) , scientific manner. When doing so, people believe they know (27) humans do the things they do. Let’s consider an example. In the United A. for B. on C. against. D. with [简答题]当厂用6kV电源全部中断时,DG1025/18.2—Ⅱ4型锅炉怎样处理?
[单选题]消防员在实施灭火救援作业时必须严格( ),也要遵守队伍的条令条例。
A.职业道德和行为准则 B.职业道德和安全规定 C.执行操作规程和行为准则 D.执行操作规程和安全规定 [填空题]When the sun started to set, Jim headed
for home. He had hunted long enough. Just then he saw it. There, 30 feet in front of him, is a wolf. Jim looked around. There were wolfs in the 76. ______ woods in his right, who were waiting for their 77. ______ leader move. The boy did not lift his gun. His 78. ______ heart beaten like a drum (鼓). Jim walked on 79. ______ with a wolf in front and others following him. The 80. ______ wolf full of fright in back of Jim. Jim turned 81. ______ and shot at the front wolf suddenly. And the others 82. ______ stopped short (突然的), Jim started to run. He looked back 83. ______ and saw the beasts stand round the body of 84. ______ their leader. With their leader, they were not 85. ______ so brave. [单选题]中国现代文学的奠基人是()。
A.鲁迅 B.郭沫若 C.巴金 D.茅盾 [多选题]以下那个省份属于敏感区域( )
A.新疆 B.云南 C.四川 D.陕西 [单选题]跨越电气化铁路时,跨越架与接触网的最小安全距离,应满足( )kV电压等级的有关规定。
A.110 B.220 C.66 D.35 [判断题]综合计划属于长期计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请简述CRH2动车组常用制动时空气制动系统的工作原理?
A. 依维克 B. 小型机动车辆 C. 大卡车 D. 面包车 [单选题]最低工资标准一般采取( )最低工资标准和( )最低工资标准的形式。
A.月;日 B.月;小时 C.月;周 D.周;小时 [多选题]入池酒醅主要检测其( )等项目。
A.水分 B.酸度 C.温度 D.酒精份 [多项选择]中国甲公司与美国乙公司意欲在中国境内共同投资设立一家中外合资经营企业,在其拟订的中外合资经营企业合同中,有关其出资方式部分的提法,不符合中外合资经营企业法律制度规定的有( )。
A. 乙公司以境外某公司为保证人向美国某银行取得的贷款作为出资 B. 甲公司以一项技术难度较大的劳务作为出资 C. 乙公司以自己名义租赁的机器作为出资 D. 甲公司以已设定抵押的厂房作为出资 [判断题]请判断以下是否属于工贸行业重大生产安全事故隐患(是为正确,否为错误):未建立有限空间管理台账。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health.
A. contribute B. add C. attribute D. distribute [判断题]检测中车辆有两个档位均能达到规定的发动机转速,则引车员应采用发动机转速较高的档位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在带电的电流互感器二次回路上工作时,应有专人监护,使用绝缘工具,并站在干燥的地面上。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]砂箱主要用来储存砂子,当机车在运行中因黏着不够发生车轮打滑时,可以通过在轮对上撒砂来提高轮轨之间的压力,防止车轮与钢轨的接触面因滑动而引起轮轨擦伤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]河阴之变
[填空题]在建立索引时,用【 】表明索引文件中每一个索引值只对应惟一的数据记录。
[单选题]消防舟艇驾驶员必须经过培训并取得相应岗位资格,无资格人员( )驾驶。
A.不得 B.允许 C.酌情考虑 D.可以 我来回答: 提交