Once{{U}} (41) {{/U}}a time
there was a cat, which lived in a small house, where there were a lot of little
mice (老鼠). Not only did they live on the master (主人), but they also ate
everything up. {{U}} (42) {{/U}}the master didn’t know that but later,
when the mice became{{U}} (43) {{/U}}, they began to worry. One day, the cat received an order: he{{U}} (44) {{/U}}catch the mice, or if he didn’t, he could go somewhere else. {{U}} (45) {{/U}}this reason, he began to eat them{{U}} (46) {{/U}}. After that, the old leader of the mice{{U}} (47) {{/U}}a meeting. Everybody agreed that they would not fight with the cat. {{U}} (48) {{/U}}that, they should choose the peaceful (和平的) solution (方法): they had to change their home. {{U}} (49) {{/U}}the cat heard the mice’s meeting, so he star [判断题]列检作业场的复示站负责对每列车的滚动轴承故障TADS报警信息按规定预报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]主节点处必须设置一根横向水平杆,用直角扣件扣接,且严禁拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]【53015】10kV绝缘导线的绝缘层分薄绝缘层、普通层两种,厚度分别为( ), ( )
A. 2mm B.2.5mm C. 3.2mm D. 3.4mm [单选题]目前诊断心绞痛最常用的无创性检查是
A.24小时动态心电图 B.冠状动脉造影 C.心脏彩超 D.增强CT E.心电图 [单选题]高渗性缺水和低渗性缺水共有的表现为( )
A.血红蛋白浓度升高 B.明显口渴感 C.尿比重增高 D.血细胞比容降低 E.腱反射减弱 [多项选择]混凝土搅拌时间过短将造成( )。
A. 混凝土拌和物不均匀 B. 强度降低 C. 和易性降低 D. 生产效率降低 E. 水泥凝结时间短 [判断题]雨、雪、雾、霾、冻雨等恶劣天气下,起电分段作用的隔离开关严禁处于合闸状态。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. survived B. noticed C. undertaken D. experienced [填空题]语句PopupMenu PMENU,4 Or 2,,,PMENU3K中:
其中PMeNU表示 【14】
[填空题]《铁路运输系统作业人员劳动安全关键点控制措施》中,对新上岗、转岗、提职职工必须进行单位、车间、班组( )教育及其他规定的安全教育,经培训考试合格后,方准上岗单独作业。
A.科学严谨 B.吐故纳新 C.与时俱进 D.博大精深 [单选题]当电气设备装有高灵敏度的漏电保护器时,则电气设备单独接地装置的接地电阻最大可放宽到( )。
A.200 Ω B.300Ω C.400Ω D.500Ω [单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are ______.
A. always appealed B. usually resolved in the district courts C. always overlapping D. usually settled by the Supreme Court [多选题]知识产权共有的取得方式有()。
A.原始取得 B.继受取得 C.没收 D.先占 E.国有化 [多选题]接地的方式有( )
A.工作接地 B.保护接地、 C.防雷接地、 D.接零和重复接地。 [判断题]《山东省农村商业银行贷款交接管理办法》中规定,坚持双人外核原则,对于接收的贷款,接收人应对接受的全部个人类贷款及公司类贷款迸行实地外核。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公共定价是指政府对公用企业生产的商品和服务的定价或政府对私人部门定价管制。其中,纯公共定价是政府直接制定基础产品行业的价格,下列属于纯公共定价范围的是:( )
A.能源 B.交通 C.农业 D.通讯 [多选题]对于TP、AP、MP三条曲线,判断正确的是( )。
A.第一阶段AP递增 B.第一阶段AP递减 C.第二阶段MP递减 D.第二阶段MP递增 E.第三阶段MP为负值 [单项选择]在教育教学中采用“一刀切”违背了人的身心发展的( )。
A. 顺序性 B. 阶段性 C. 互补性 D. 个别差异性 [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》的规定,个人所得税的应纳税所得包括:工资、薪金所得;劳务报酬所得;特许权使用费所得;______;财产租赁所得:经中华人民共和国财政部确定征税的其他所得。
A. 利息、股息所得 B. 利息、股息、红利所得 C. 稿酬所得 D. 遗产所得 [单项选择]The drinking water is contaminated with impurities.
A. blackened B. polluted C. darkened D. mixed 我来回答: 提交