You possess affluence, but it doesn't mean you can have everything in hand.()
下列哪种说法错误() Death comes quickly in the mountains.
Each winter holiday makers are caught unawares as they happily ski away from the
fixed runs, little realizing that a small avalanche can send them crashing in a
bone-breaking fall down the slope and leave them buried under tons of crisp
white snow. There are lots of theories about how to avoid disaster when hit by
an avalanche. Practice is normally less cheerful. The snow in the Salzburg of Austria where a recent disaster took place was typical avalanche material: For several days before the incident I had skied locally. Early winter snow was wearing thin and covered with ice. On top of that new, warmer flakes were gently falling to produce a dangerous carpet. To the skier who enjoys unmarked slopes it is tempting stuff, deep new power snow on a hard base--the skiing that dreams are made o A. they stay on the officially approved slopes B. they ski only for pleasure C. they ski only at resorts D. they choose less crowded ski slopes [多选题]当屏幕显示按钮异常,并伴有报警声音时,操作员在确认客桥处于非对接航空器状态下,立即关闭( ),将所有按钮及手柄( )后,再次启动客桥打开电源,如果按钮异常情况未消除,操作员立即按程序进行汇报,并根据上级指示进行操作。
A.风雨门 B.客桥电源 C.复位 D.验收 [单项选择]备货时所说的LBX码是什么?()
A. 尖货商品独有商品编码 B. 退货条码 C. 供货单的箱码,需要贴在箱子上的条形码 D. 尖货商品条码 [多项选择]关于伏特加的描述正确的有()。
A. 入口不酸不甜 B. 原料是大麦和马铃薯 C. 无色无味 D. 火一般刺激 [单项选择]以下对中国古代占主导地位的经济思想的表述,准确的是()
A. 鼓励农业,禁止商业 B. 重视农业,放任商业 C. 以农为本,工商为末 D. 农业为主,工商皆本 [单选题]现场勘查的内容之一是,()、细致查勘用电地址附近的供配电设施,包括供电区域、系统变电站、变(配)电所、线路、杆位、负荷等。
当前工种:用电监察员(用电检查员) 工种定义:从事与电力客户相关的业扩报装全过程管控、巡视检查、安全用电管理、变更用电、故障抢修、违约窃电查处、电力保障、新能源新技术推广、政策宣传等优质服务的人员。 A.正确 B.核对 C.全面 D.准确 [单选题](2018真题)下列属于专项安全检查内容的是()。
A.临时用电检查 B.防汛检查 C.防风检查 D.每周检查 [单项选择] Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright children. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: This gi A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others. B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers. D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities. [多选题]资金头寸管理的目标是“()”
A.加强管理 B.确保供应 C.防范风险 D.提高效益 [判断题]文员坐下时,脚尖在膝盖垂直线以内,也可稍向左侧后右侧,膝盖与大脚可分开。
A. 来源于原始体腔的间叶组织 B. 向胚外结构分化形成内胚窦瘤 C. 常具有内分泌功能 D. 具有分化为各种苗勒上皮的潜能 E. 向宫颈粘膜分化形成浆液性肿瘤 [判断题]( ) 井下作业井控规定:钻台上备用一只与钻具尺寸、扣型相符的上旋塞及开关工具,该上旋塞处于常关状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《信号检修工》:RM按钮灯亮,显示达到RM及RM以上模式
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 参加( )和开展(C)应组织安全风险评估,采取必要的安全防范措施。 *
A. 重大灭火救援行动 B. 队列训练 C. 高风险训练 D. 理论学习 我来回答: 提交