The age of gilded youth is over.
Today’s under-thirties are the first generation for a century who can expect a
lower living standard than their parents. Research into the lifestyles and prospects of people who were horn since 1970 shows that they ere likely to face a lifetime of longer working hours, lower job security and higher taxes than the previous generation. When they leave work late in the evening, they will be more likely to return to a small rented flat than to a house of their own. When, eventually, they retire, their pensions are far lower in real terms than those of their immediate forebears. These findings are revealed in a study of the way the ageing of Britain’s population is affecting different generations. Anthea Tinker, professor of social gerontology (老人学) at King’s College London, A. Many young men, who live alone, have increased demand for houses. B. Many young men need to rent more houses. C. It is easy to apply for a mortgage for young generation. D. The number of older people, many of whom live alone, becomes bigger and bigger. [单选题]将进一步加大对重点企业监管力度,根据企业安全管理状况,将建成投产时间在( )年以内的新建化工、医药和危险化学品企业,投资人和主要负责人跨行业投资建设和管理的新建企业,兼并重组的企业,主要负责人长期不在岗的企业,确定为重点监管的企业,加大日常执法检查频次,定期约谈企业主要负责人和安全管理人员,强化各项安全监管措施。
A.5 B.6 C.8 [单项选择]关于呼吸系统的解剖,以下哪种说法是不正确的()。
A. 呼吸系统由鼻、咽喉、气道和肺脏、胸廓(包括膈肌)组成 B. 呼吸系统通常分为气体传导与气体交换两部分 C. 上呼吸道由鼻、鼻窦、咽和喉构成 D. 下呼吸道从气管起,分支为总支气管,叶、段支气管后,越分越细,至肺泡共24级 E. 左肺共有3叶和10个肺段;而右肺共有2叶和8个肺段 [单选题]具备条件的设备可进行()操作,即应用可编程计算机进行的自动化操作。
A.就地 B.远方 C.程序 D.遥控 [单项选择]因私出国(境)的国家机关登记备案人员,应当将所持因私出国(境)证件交由()保管。
A. 公安机关 B. 所在单位组织人事部门集中 C. 个人 D. 公安机关或所在单位 [判断题]如果携带警用制式刀具,其位置在多功能包和手铐之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]糖异生途径的关键酶是( )。
A.丙酮酸羧化酶 B.葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶 C.磷酸甘油激酶 D.果糖二磷酶-1 [单项选择]按照要求,自由降落式救生艇每()个月至少降落下水一次,如不可行,可延长至()个月。
A. 3/6 B. 4/8 C. 6/12 D. 8/18 我来回答: 提交