Women Today
Is it true that women have had it so good In many ways, yes. It is no (36) necessary (37) women to ask anyone’s permission (38) social equality... In other (39) , (40) it is ready or not, society no longer has the powers to keep women (41) their place. We can see women bursting (42) of (43) used to be seen as their allotted place.
This is (44) first generation of women (45) are taking their careers for granted. They are pushing (46) from the (47) and they are shoving (48) the top, (49) over prominent positions. Once the typical European family relied (50) one salary, but now most couples need two wage-packets (51) their standard of living. Today, only 10% of families in Britain are supported (52) the father alone.
In less-affluent sections of society, the change is even more striking. With the decline of the manufacturing
A. in
B. on
C. up
D. as
Hello. It’s been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in south-east England reached twenty-six degrees centigrade by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had fifteen hours of lovely sunshine. But already the weather is beginning to change. I’ m afraid, and during the night, showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic to reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales by early morning. The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with minimum temperatures no lower than fifteen degrees in the south, a little cooler-- eleven degrees or so --in the north. Any remaining showers in northwest Scotland will pass quickly, to leave a mild, dry night there too. And now, the outlook for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather, and if your holiday starts this weekend, then southern Spain is the place to go, with temperatures of thirty-four degrees’ along the Mediterranean coast. At the
Like all other mothers who have small
children, 1, too, have to steal time--from my own children at home and from the
children who know me as their teacher---just to put a few words down on paper.
Many times I’ve wanted to write for myself, for other women, for my parents, for
my husband, and especially for my children. I would have liked to leave a
legacy (遗产) of words explaining what it has meant to have twins. One reason
there is not a great deal written about being a mother of a new baby is that
there is seldom a moment to think of anything else but the baby’s
needs. With twins, I did not have a spare hand to write with. Before my twins were born, my days were long but I had nothing to write about. After the twins’ birth I did have something to write about, but I found myself facing not a pen or paper but milk bottles.< A. her babies any more B. the time to go to bed C. the writing of her book D. the possible effects of smoking [单选题]当路由器接收的IP报文中的目标网络不在路由表中时,(没有缺省路由时)采取的 策略是
A.丢掉该报文 B.将该报文以广播的形式发送到所有直连端口 C.直接向支持广播的直连端口转发该报文 D.向源路由器发出请求,减小其报文大小 [多选题]下列情形中哪些属于不安全行为:
A.由停车场到办公室的道路,部分被结冰覆盖 B.办公室职员将闲置的桌子推到过道,阻碍了消防通道 C.机器上的防护罩由于振动哗哗作响 D.领导干部到安全联系点进行安全检查,未戴安全帽 [单选题]. 脊髓内传导躯干四肢浅感觉的纤维束是
A.皮质脊髓前束 B.内侧丘系 C.脊髓丘脑束 D.薄束和楔束 [单选题]现代社会中,人们是在相对统一的时间里交往活动,这有利于节约社会成本,提高社会效率,推动社会发展。但全社会的“步调一致”容易导致交通的堵塞,由此引发的一系列社会问题不容忽视。从另一方面来看,人们的需要、社会发展的需求,又对作息时间提出了不同的要求。但作息时间不统一,也会给人们的交往、社会的发展带来一定障碍。
A.作息时间应在统一与差异中寻找平衡 B.小问题可能会引起社会发展中的大矛盾 C.调整作息时间是解决交通堵塞的有效措施 D.作息时间需随着人们生活习惯的改变而调整 [单选题]锅炉房应设置化验室或化验场地,配备化验设施,应具备化验与锅炉能耗相关水质指标的能力,不能以()代替正常的锅炉水处理工作。(1分)
A.A.化学检测 B.B.加强排污 C.C.化学清洗 D.D.增加水处理设备 [判断题](467282)( )红外定量分析方法有工作曲线和外标法。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电解熔融的MgCl2,以Pt作电极。阴极产物是:
A.Mg B.Cl2 C.O2 D.H2 [单选题]按项目期间,现金流量的分类不包括( )。
A.初始现金流量 B.营业现金流量 C.终结现金流量 D.贴现现金流量 我来回答: 提交