Investors seeking a cheap, no-frills way to sell
{{U}} (21) {{/U}}shares need look no {{U}} (22) {{/U}} than the
post box. Most stockbrokers offer bargain-basement deals on postal trades. They are ideal for selling a small holding for the lowest possible {{U}} (23) {{/U}} But the arrangements leave investors {{U}} (24) {{/U}} the mercy of the Royal Mail and a seller will not know {{U}} (25) {{/U}} how much a sale will produce. Data {{U}} (26) {{/U}} engineer Mark Stanistreet of Bradford sold by post after buying a few National Power and PowerGen shares when they were privatized. He says: "I {{U}} (27) {{/U}} really know where to go to for help. An informati A. investing B.have invested C.have been investing D.invested [单项选择]男,40岁,被重物撞击左侧头部后,出现昏迷,耳内少量出血,和左侧周围性面瘫如上述病人的面瘫经过保守治疗仍不恢复,应于何时做面神经探查减压术()。
A. 病情稳定后马上进行 B. 保守治疗1周后 C. 保守治疗2~6周后 D. 保守治疗3个月后 E. 保守治疗4个月后 [判断题]适用一般程序调查火灾的,特殊情况下可由1名火灾调查人员进行调查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在隧道内组织多项目、多台机械同时作业时,必须互相通报( )。
A.作业地点 B.作业内容 C.作业人数 D.作业项目 [判断题]多联机允许同一系统下不同的模式运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]George Bernard Shaw(1856—1950)was born in Dublin, Ireland. At the age of 14, after graduating from middle school, Shaw was put into a job as clerk in a land agent’s office. At 20 he went to London where he remained jobless for 9 years, devoting much time to self-education. Meantime, Shaw took an active part in the socialist movement. A contemporary of Shaw’s thus wrote of him: "I used to be a daily frequenter of the British Museum Reading Room. Even more assiduous in his attendance was a young man. ...My curiosity was piqued by the odd conjunction of his subjects of research. Day after day for weeks he had before him two books—Karl Marx’s ’Das Kapital’ (in French), and an orchestral score(管弦乐乐谱) of ’Tristan and Isolde’."
Though Shaw admitted Marx’s great influence on him, he failed to grasp the necessity of a revolutionary reconstruction of the world. A strong influence was exercised on Shaw by the Fabian society, the English reformist organization. In the early period of his A. by either the structures of plots or the brilliant dialogues between the characters B. by the brilliant dialogues between the characters better than by the structures of plots C. by both the brilliant plots and dialogues equally D. by the brilliant dialogues between the characters instead of by the structures of plots [判断题]有效螺纹的终止线用粗实线表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]SMC2.0 可通过()方式添加会场。()多选
A.预发现 B.自动发现 C.可管理 D.配置文件导入 [单项选择]基金持有人与基金管理人的关系是通过信托关系而形成的( )之间的关系。
A. 所有者与经营者 B. 基金托管人与监管机构 C. 机构经营者与基金监管机构 D. 监管机构与经营者 [多项选择]下列选项成立交通肇事罪的是()。
A. 张某驾驶小汽车在公路转弯处超速行驶,撞翻同向行驶车辆,致2人死亡 B. 李某为报复社会,驾驶越野车在道路上横冲直撞,撞翻数辆他人所驾汽车,致2人死亡 C. 王某在大街上醉酒后驾驶摩托车,刚开出100米就撞死2人 D. 赵某在城市繁华路段飙车,2名老人受到惊吓致心脏病发作死亡 [单项选择]项目的目标控制是项目管理的()。
A. 基本任务 B. 最终任务 C. 首要任务 D. 核心任务 [单选题]某集团规定,各所属单位购置固定资产必须报企业总部批准,这则规定体现了集权与分权相结合型财务管理体制的( )。
A.集中筹资、融资权 B.集中用资、担保权 C.集中固定资产购置权 D.集中投资权 [简答题]简述建设工程合同签订和实施的法律原则。
A. 血浆中结合型药物增多,游离型药物减少 B. 药物代谢减慢,清除率上升,半衰期缩短 C. 经胆汁分泌排泄的药物排泄加快 D. 药物分布容积减小 E. 经肝代谢药物的药效与毒副作用增强 [单选题]血源性肺脓肿患者,突发左胸痛,继之出现呼吸困难、发射伴大汗。查体:气管右移,左肺呼吸音减低。最可能发生( )
A.急性心肌梗死 B.肺血栓栓塞症 C.肺不张 D.急性肺水肿 E.自发性气胸 [多选题]消弧线圈保护动作的现象有()。
A.事故音响启动 B.监控系统发出消弧线圈速断保护动作、过流保护动作、零序过流保护动作,零序过压保护动作信息,主画面显示消弧线圈断路器跳闸 C.保护装置发出消弧线圈速断保护动作、过流保护动作、零序过流保护动作,零序过压保护动作信息 D.预告音响启动 [多选题]政府部门的知识产权公共服务职能表现在( )。
A.配置公共资源 B.提供公共产品 C.营造政策环境 D.实施有效监管 E.专业人才培育 我来回答: 提交