While fashion is thought of usually in
relation to clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider
domain. It is to be found in manners, the arts, literature, and philosophy, and
may even reach into certain areas of science. In fact, it may operate in any
field of group life, apart from the technological and utilitarian area and the
area of the sacred. Its operation requires a class society, for in its essential
character it does not occur either in a homogeneous society like a primitive
group, or in a caste society. Fashion behaves as a movement, and on this basis it is different from custom which, by comparison, is static. This is due to the fact that fashion is based fundamentally on differentiation and emulation. In a class society, the upper classes or so-called social elite are not able to differenti A. fashion, as a movement, is static B. a fashion is destined to disappear once it is launched C. a fashion will never vanish once it is introduced D. the upper classes play a little role in making fashion into a movement [多选题]对于建设管理单位直接委托的变电站(),涉及专业承包商独立完成的作业内容,由专业承包商将施工作业票签发人、工作负责人、安全监护人报监理项目部备案。
A.消防工程作业 B.钢结构彩板安装施工作业 C.装配式围墙施工 D.图像监控 [单项选择]下列哪种情况适合于用131I治疗()。
A. 年龄>30岁的甲亢 B. 有重度浸润性突眼 C. 甲亢合并妊娠 D. 胸骨后甲状腺肿伴甲亢 E. 白细胞计数<3×109/L [判断题]无载调压变压器可以在变压器空载运行时调整分接头。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于新农保的参保范围,下列说法正确的有( )。
A. 年满18周岁 B. 未参加城镇职工基本养老保险 C. 农村居民 D. 不包括精神病人 E. 不包括在外务工者 [单选题]酶促反应高效的原因是
A.酶能降低反应活化能 B.酶能增加反应活化能 C.酶的绝对特异性 D.酶的活性中心 E.酶的表面效应 [单项选择]以下关于个人住房贷款的说法,正确的是()。
A. 按照住房交易形态划分,个人住房贷款包括自营性个人住房贷款、公积金个人住房贷款和个人住房组合贷款 B. 按照住房交易形态划分,个人住房贷款可分为个人再交易住房贷款、自营性个人住房贷款和个人住房转让贷款 C. 按照贷款利率的确定方式划分,个人住房贷款可分为固定利率贷款和浮动利率贷款 D. 按照资金来源划分,个人住房贷款包括新建房个人住房贷款、公积金个人住房贷款和个人住房组合贷款 [单项选择]姜黄的药材为:()
A. 郁金或姜黄的块根 B. 郁金或姜黄的果实 C. 姜黄的根茎 D. 姜黄的块根 E. 郁金的根茎 [单选题]容量在 100kVA 及以下者,熔丝按变压器容量额定电流的( ) 选择。
A.1~2倍 B.2~3倍 C.3~4倍 D.4~5倍 [判断题]竣工测量,应在光纤通道带尾纤在光纤成端前进行,即连接插件状态下进行测量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]When George Orwell wrote in 1941 that England was "the most class-ridden country under the sun", he was only partly right. Societies have always had their hierarchies, with some group perched at the top. In the Indian state of Bihar the Ranveer Sena, an upper-caste private army, even killed to stay there.
By that measure class in Britain hardly seems entrenched (根深蒂固的). But in another way Orwell was right, and continues to be. As a new YouGov poll shows, Britons are surprisingly alert to class — both their own and that of others. And they still think class is sticky. According to the poll, 48% of people aged 30 or over say they expect to end up better off than their parents. But only 28% expect to end up in a different class. More than two-thirds think neither they nor their children will leave the class they were born into. What does this thing that people cannot escape consist of these days And what do people look at when decoding which class someone belongs to The most use A. showing modesty. B. showing self-respect. C. expressing boastfulness. D. making an understatement. [单项选择]马斯洛认为研究心理学不应该以方法为中心,而应该以()为中心
A. 问题 B. 环境 C. 心理 D. 存在 [单项选择]某单位准备扩建一矩形花圃,若将矩形花圃的长和宽各增加4米,则新矩形花圃的面积比原来的面积增加了40平方米。那么,原矩形花圃的周长是多少?()
A. 12米 B. 24米 C. 32米 D. 40米 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,由于误售、误购、误乘或坐过了站在原通票有效期不能到达到站时,应根据()至正当到站间的里程,重新计算通票有效期。
A.折返站 B.原票到站 C.发现站 D.换乘站 [填空题]在离接触网带电部分不到( )m的建筑物上作业时,必须按规定办理接触网停电申请手续,得到许可停电施工命令,并有接触网工区派人安设临时接地线后,方能施工。
[单选题]将含晶体10%的悬浊液送往料槽宜选用( )
A.A、离心泵 B.B、往复泵 C.C、齿轮泵 D.D、喷射泵 [简答题]甲公司系生产销售机床的上市公司,期末存货按成本与可变现净值孰低计量,并按单个存货项目计提存货跌价准备。相关资料如下:
A. 防止充填体脱落 B. 防止充填体折断 C. 防止继发龋的出现 D. 达到良好的美观效果 E. 防止牙体折裂 我来回答: 提交