The law firm Patrick worked for before he died filed for bankruptcy protection a year after his funeral. After his death, the firm’s letterhead properly included him: Patrick S. Lanigan, 1954-1992. He was listed up in the right-hand corner, just above the paralegals. Then the rumors got started and wouldn’t stop. Before long, everyone believed he had taken the money and disappeared. After three months, no one on the Gulf Coast believed that he was dead. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up. The remaining partners in the law firm were still together, attached unwillingly at the hip by the bondage of mortgages and the bank notes, back when they were rolling and on the verge of serious wealth. They had been joint defendants in several unwinnable lawsuits; thus the bankruptcy. Since Patrick’s departure, th A. ..., and it would be impossible to hide that kind of money in Biloxi, population fifty thousand. B. They had been joint defendants in several unwinnable lawsuits; thus the bankruptcy. C. There had even been talk of a firm jet, a six-seater. D. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up. [单选题]电网管理单位停电检修,应明确告知分布式电源用户()。
A.停送电时间 B.工作内容 C.工作地点 D.人员安排 [单选题]防烟设施是采用( ),防止火灾时烟气进入疏散通道和避难场所的系统。
① 机械加压送风方式 ② 自然通风方式 ③ 移动式送风方式 A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①③ D. ①②③ [判断题]送电操作顺序为,开关箱-分配电箱-总配电箱。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]医学道德在医疗卫生服务中的作用表现为( )。
A. 强制作用、促进作用、协调作用、教育作用 B. 教育作用、促进作用、协调作用、保护作用 C. 维护作用、促进作用、协调作用、约束作用 D. 约束作用、巩固作用、协调作用、教育作用 E. 指导作用、认识作用、协调作用、规范作用 [多选题]对于全面深化改革的理解,以下( )是正确的。
A.全面深化改革,关系党和人民事业前途命运,关系党的执政基础和执政地位。 B.坚持党对改革的集中统一领导。 C.坚持改革沿着中国特色社会主义方向前进。 D.坚持改革往有利于维护社会公平正义、增进人民福祉方向前进。 [单项选择]在药物治疗过程中,一旦出现某个严重、甚至可能是危险不良反应的预示,此时一定要
A. 停药 B. 就诊 C. 细心观察 D. 服用对症药物 E. 立即停药和立即就诊 [判断题]任何人员及所携带的物件、机工具都必须与供电设备高压带电部分保持规定的安全距离,需在不足安全距离处所作业的,必须按规定办理停电手续,按规定采取验电、接地等措施后方准作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组列车发生故障时,不能在同一站台面换乘时,应组织旅客通过天桥或地道换乘,严禁()换乘。
A.站停 B.非停车道 C.跨越股道 D.左侧 [判断题]行政机关决定实施查封、扣押的,应当制作并当场交付或事后补交查封、扣押决定书和清单。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]It can be inferred that Scott was a hero because ______.
A. he was a sea captain B. he crossed a river full of ice C. he saved the boat almost at the price of his life D. he saved many people with a tugboat [多选题] 国家药品监督管理局建立( )关联审评审批制度。出处:《药品注册管理办法》
A.化学原料药 B.辅料 C.直接接触药品的包装材料和容器 D.外包装材料 [单项选择]この案はもう検討( )です。
A. 終わる B. 済み C. いらっしゃる D. おる [多项选择]强烈和持久的应激反应会()。
A. 损害人的工作效能 B. 提高个体免疫力 C. 激发人的热情 D. 导致个体易感疾病 [单项选择]
Networks can be interconnected by different devices. In the physical layer, networks can be connected by (41) or hubs, which just move the bits from one network to an identical network. One layer up we find bridges and switches, which operate at data link layer. They can accept (42) , examine the MAC address, and forward the frames to a different network while doing minor protocol translation in the process. In the network layer, we have routers that can connect two networks. If two networks have (43) network layer, the router may be able to translate between the packet formats. In the transport layer we find transport gateway, which can interface between two transport connections. Finally, in the application layer, application gateways translate message (44) . As an example, gateways between Internet E-mail and X.400 E-mail must (45) the E-mail message and change various header fields. (43)是()A. special B. dependent C. similar D. dissimilar [多选题]影响沟通效果的因素主要有( )。
A.语言障碍 B.文化水平 C.组织结构 D.沟通方式 E.文化背景 [多选题]起重设备的操作人员和指挥人员应经( )后方可独立上岗作业。
A.专业技术培训 B.实际操作考试合格、取得合格证 C.有关安全规程考试合格、取得合格证 D.安全监督管理部门同意 [填空题]辐射式过热器的汽温随负荷的增加而()。
A. 城乡之间的良性互动和相互开放,必然推动国民经济的全面发展 B. 扭转城乡二元结构、解决“三农”难题、推动城乡经济社会协调发展 C. 对农村社会政治、经济、文化等各领域进行战略性调整和深层次变革 D. 努力实现城乡社会资源的统筹安排、有序使用,促进城乡精神文明的共同进步 [判断题]σ因子是参与大肠杆菌中基因表达调控最常见的蛋白质。 ( )
[单选题] TRS的频域密度()为()
A.0.5 B.1 C.3 D.0.5或1或3 我来回答: 提交