A large part of effective leadership is dependent on something called "style". But style is difficult to teach, and what makes one leader great and another mediocre is not easily defined. Leadership always implies power, and a broad definition in this context is that leadership includes the power to influence thoughts and actions of others in such a way that they achieve higher satisfaction and/or performance. Over the past century, there have been three major approaches to understanding leadership. Identifying leadership traits, or the physical and psychological characteristics of leaders, was the first formal approach, and had a lot of intuitive appeal. It owed its origins to the mm of the century (about 1904) when trait studies began. At this time most American leaders came from certain wealthy families, the vast majority were white ma A. requirements B. acceptance C. preference D. standards [单项选择]移民安置问题属于对投资项目进行社会评价中的( )。
A. 敏感性分析 B. 社会影响分析 C. 互适性分析 D. 社会风险分析 [多选题]中间检查过程中,应注意现场警示标识,掌握带电设备的位置,与带电设备保持足够的安全距离,注意不要()、()、()运行设备。
A.误碰 B.误动 C.误登 D.误操作 [简答题]为什么基本范畴相对而言具有特殊地位?
A. VA(伏安) B. Ω(欧姆) C. A(安) D. W(瓦) E. Var(乏) [多选题] 严肃作业计划管控,健全计划管理组织体系和工作机制,严格执行作业风险公示要求,按照( )原则,在承载力范围内制定作业计划,将全部作业内容纳入计划管理。
A.无计划 B.不作业 C.全覆盖 D.无死角 [简答题]居民对小区信息栏贴的很多小广告深恶痛绝,找社区协商解决,作为社区工作者,你考虑怎么处理?
[单选题] TN—C系统中( )应穿过零序电流互感器。
A.零线 B.相线 C.相线和零线 [多选题]ATO的基本功能包括( )
A.A、自动驾驶 B.B、车门管理 C.C、自动折返 D.D、精确停车 E.E、列车调整功能。 [不定项选择]作为商品的电脑,其价值的物质承担者是()。
A. 电脑本身的各种功能 B. 电脑对消费者的效用或有用性 C. 为购买电脑消费者所付出的货币 D. 用来支持电脑的软件 [单选题]在救援结束后,应当在( )日内形成完整的事故救援报告。( )
A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 我来回答: 提交