Customs officers at a London airport
yesterday found $ 500 000 worth of drugs which were being smuggled into Britain
in boxes marked "Urgent Medical Supplies. " The (51) might
have suspected for some time that the drugs were being brought into the country
in this way. The (52) is believed to be the work of a
well-organized international group. Four men were arrested at the airport and
held for questioning, (53) it is unlikely that they are
organizers. In fact, they declared that they were (54)
of what the boxes contained and had acted in good faith in bringing
(55) into Britain. This is the third time in six months
that attempts have been made to smuggle (56) goods through
Customs by declaring them to be medical supplies. They are frequently
(57) in special containers and a warning is given that they A. It B. This C. There D. That [多选题]预制混凝土护面块体的底模可根据制作方式分别采用( )。
A.固定在混凝土地坪上的木模 B.固定在混凝土地坪上的钢模 C.固定在钢支架上的钢模 D.混凝土胎膜 E.混凝土地坪 [单项选择]下列四个指标中,哪一个不满足规范要求时水泥则为废品( )。
A. 烧失量 B. 不溶物 C. 初凝时间 D. 终凝时间 [判断题]当柴油机冷启动或环境温度较低时,冷却水温度较低,应以大循环流通,使冷却水温得到较快的升高。()
[判断题]. 银行业金融机构清分中心发现并确认假币后,应由经办人按规定填写《假币代保管登记簿》。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列【】不是“经常参加体育锻炼人数”的判定标准。
A.每周身体活动频度3次(含3次)以上 B.每次身体活动时间30分钟以上 C.每次身体活动强度中等程度以上 D.每天运动十分钟以上 [判断题]事故调查时技术鉴定所需时间计入事故调查期限。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当工件要求达到很高的( )时,才进行刮削加工。
A.A、制造精度 B.B、加工精度 C.C、形状和位置精度 D.D、尺寸精度 E.E、接触精度 F.F、较细的表面粗糙度 [简答题]接收并阅读由olive@ 发来的E-mail,并将随信发来的附件以文件名demon.txt保存到指定的文件夹下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防气压给水设备顶部至楼板或梁底的距离( )0.6m.
A.不宜大于 B.不得大于 C.不宜小于 D.不得小于 [判断题] 不满16周岁的人违反治安管理的,不予处罚,但是应当责令其监护人严加管教。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]脱硫系统中所需的浆液循环泵数量主要取决于烟气中( )和( )。
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