孔子是春秋时期的思想家。学生子路问孔子:“听到一个很好的 (49) ,是不是应该马上去实行呢”孔子说:“家里有父亲兄长在,你应该先向他们 (50) 了再说,哪能马上去做呢”学生冉有也这样问,孔子说:“听到了就去做。”学生公西华知道了这件事,就问孔子:“相同的问题,您为什么给他们两个人不同的回答呢”孔子说:“冉有做事不勇敢,总是退缩,所以希望我的话能够 (51) 他,让他变得更加有勇气;但是子路做事果敢,有时候胆子太大了,所以我要压一压他。”这就是成语“因材施教”的来历,这个成语比喻针对不同学生的个性特点, (52) 。
孔子说:“家里有父亲兄长在,你应该先向他们()了再说,哪能马上去做呢”学生冉有也这样问,孔子说:“听到了就去做。” {{B}}
The Greatest Show on Earth{{/B}} The Olympic Games (奥林匹克运动会) are the greatest festival of sport in the world. Every four years, a hundred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete (竞赛) for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. For the winners, there are gold medals(奖牌) and glory. But there is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose. That is in spirit of the Olympics--to take part is what matters. The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action. The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony(仪式) and march round the track. The custom is for the Greek team to march in first. For it was in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held--the host country--marches in last. A. world celebrations of sports B. worldwide movements for peace C. great displays of the best sportsmen D. chances for women to be equal with men [单项选择]法律规定的不以当事人的主观意志为转移的能引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭的属于( )。
A. 法律解释 B. 法律事件 C. 法律行为 D. 法律部门 [单项选择]下列关于胃溃疡的叙述,正确的是
A. 55%的胃溃疡位于胃小弯 B. Ⅱ型胃溃疡癌变的可能性不大 C. 胃溃疡患者不容易引起胆汁反流 D. 胃溃疡的幽门螺杆菌检出率不到50% E. 伴胃炎者少,抗酸药物治疗效果好 [多选题]依据《供电营业规则》,( )属于窃电行为。
A.绕越供电企业用电计量装置用电 B.擅自改变用电类别用电 C.伪造或者开启供电企业加封的用电计量装置封印用电 D.擅自启用已经被供电企业查封的电力设备用电 [单选题] 在确认憋压数据录取全后, 应打开回压阀门泄压,当压力下降稳定时, 启动抽油机,打开( )阀门。
A.生产 B.回压 C.油压 D.掺水(油) [单项选择]A crew member reports that the high-pressure alarm light of a low-pressure CO2 fixed fire extinguishing system is illuminated. The most probable cause of this condition would be that().
A. an air leak has developed in the tank B. the tank cooling system has malfunctioned C. the pilot cylinder discharge valve is leaking D. an excessive amount of insulation has been installed on the tank and piping [单项选择]经调查得甲乙两地的食管癌粗死亡率为43/10万,按年龄构成标化后,甲地食管癌标化死亡率为45/10万;乙地为49/10万,因此可以认为()
A. 甲地年龄别人口构成较乙地年轻 B. 乙地年龄别人口构成较甲地年轻 C. 甲乙两地年龄别人口构成相同 D. 甲乙两地年龄别人口构成相近 E. 甲乙两地诊断标准不同 [判断题]钠盐碱度与永久硬度在水中不能共存。()
[单选题]钢丝绳的捻向与钢丝股的捻向相反的称为( )钢丝绳。
A.交互捻 B.同向捻 C.混合捻 D.搓拧 [多选题]对盛装过能产生自聚物的设备容器,作业前应进行哪些工艺处理:
A.采取蒸煮 B.置换 C.聚合物加热 D.聚合物降温 [单选题]御2行业进阶版配合哪款遥控器使用?
A.DJI带屏遥控器 B.DJI带屏遥控器行业版 C.御2行业版的不带屏遥控器 D.Cendence遥控器 [判断题]使用未取得临时使用许可证或者使用许可证设备的,由民航局空管局责令限期改正、处以警告并向其主管单位提出给予该单位主要负责人行政处分的建议。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对漫游至国际及港澳台地区的移动电话用户,电信业务经营者应主动、及时提醒用户当地( )等业务的收费标准及其他有关注意事项。
A.漫游通话 B.短信 C.移动数据流量 D.套餐详情 [判断题]信用卡审批系统中审批机构设置以分支机构管理系统系统(f-Bom)机构设置为依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于公积金个人住房贷款和商业银行自营性个人住房贷款的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 前者的申请对象范围更广 B. 前者贷款利率较高 C. 后者是一种委托性个人住房贷款 D. 后者的信贷风险由商业银行自身承担 [单项选择]下列商品属于我国禁止进口的是:
A. 虎骨 B. 发菜和麻黄草 C. 木炭 D. 硅砂、石英砂 [单选题]紧固或拆卸M8大小的外六角螺栓应使用( )号外六角扳手,拆卸或紧固M6的内六角螺栓应使用 ( )号内六角扳手。
A.13、5 B.17、5 C.13、6 D.13、7 [填空题]数1110∧1101的结果是()
The virus came to official attention in a bag of dead
chickens. Early in March 1997, a farmer from Hong Kong’ s New Territories
carried them into the Agriculture and Fisheries Department laboratory.
Something had caused their internal tissues to hemorrhage. The result in some
cases was hideous and bloody.
By the time inspectors reached his farm, most of the birds were dead. Cultures of their organs revealed they had died of avian influenza, type HSN1. 66. ______ Then came more bad news. A three-year-old boy died of flu complications in a Hong Kong hospital. The virus was diagnoses as HSNI. Flus of the H5 subtype had never been known to infect humans. It wasn’t over. In the next seven months, 168 Hong Kong residents fell ill with HSN1 and six died. In late December, public-health officials took a drastic step, ordering the slaughter of every chicken in every farm and marketplace in Hong Kong. The HSN1 virus seemed to disappea [判断题] 统计指标按其表现形式和反映内容的不同可分为总量指标; 相对指标; 平均指标; 标志变异指标。( )(中级材料师题型汇总)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]白色用于安全标志的文字、图形符号和警告标志的几何图形。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](B737ng)B737飞机的马赫配平作动筒调节:
A.扰流板; B.副翼; C.升降舵. D.水平安定面; 我来回答: 提交