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A. 50 B. 55 C. 110 D. 122 [单选题]. 压缩机离合器结合后带轮不转,会造成( )。
A.无冷气产生 B.冷气不足 C.系统太冷 D.间断制冷 [判断题]民俗是创造于民间又发展于民间的具有世代相习的传承性事象。( )P29
[单选题] 信贷业务授权按内容可划分为( )和( )。 (1.50分)
A.直接授权、转授权 B.基本授权、特别授权 C.直接授权、特别授权 D.基本授权、转授权 [单项选择]Steve Robinson went for a walk yesterday morning with tens of millions of people watching. A walk in space. What made his sojourn so different from those of the hundreds of other astronauts who have floated around shuttles for more than 20 years is that the very future of the nation’s manned space program may rest on his success.
In the wake of the Columbia disaster 30 months ago, and amid questions about NASA’s commitment to a safety-first culture, Robinson tested what accounts to the repair kits to help astronauts survive damage from debris during lift-off or in orbit. Apparently, the repairs went well. How well, however, and whether the spacecraft sustained damage from foam insulation as it rose from Kennedy Space Center, won’t be known until Discovery completes its super-heated descent through the atmosphere and touches down. What is known now is that NASA allowed Discovery to fly despite internal questions about whether NASA had done enough to A. soar B. float. C. saunter. D. fight. [单项选择]患者因长期下颌后牙冷热敏感就诊,查:左右下4颈部探针划过敏感,未见缺损,牙龈轻度退缩。该患者应选治疗为()
A. 口服止痛药 B. 烤瓷冠修复 C. 使用氟化物 D. 充填治疗 E. 牙髓治疗 [多选题]各种车辆和行人通过电气化铁路平交道口必须遵守下列规定:通过道口车辆上部或其货物装载高度(从地面算起)超过()m通过平交道口时,车辆上部及装载货物上严禁()。
A.2 B.坐人 C.1 D.装货 [判断题]高压负荷开关与隔离开关一样,也具有明显可见的断开间隙。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《消防员职业技能标准》等级技能要求,消防技师应掌握化学事故救援作业的( )等作业技能。
A.侦检 B.输转 C.洗消 D.堵漏 我来回答: 提交