All that we really need to plot out the
future of our universe are a few good measurements. This does not mean that we
can sit down today and outline the future course of the universe with anything
like certainty. There are still too many things we do not know about the way the
universe is put together. But we do know exactly what information we need to
fill in our knowledge, and we have a pretty good idea of how to go about getting
it. Perhaps the best way to think of our present situation is to imagine a train coming into a switchyard. All of the switches are set before the train arrives, so that its path is completely determined. Some switches we can see, others we cannot. There is no ambiguity if we can see the setting of a switch: we can say with confidence that some possible futures will not materialize and others will. At A. They tell us which one of the tracks the universe will use. B. They enable us to alter the course of the universe. C. They give us information about the lunar surface. D. They determine which course the universe will take in the future. [单项选择]Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()
A. class Man extends Dog{} B. class Man implements Dog{} C. class Man{private BestFriend dog;} D. class Man{private Dog bestFriend;} E. class Man{private Dog F. class Man{private BestFriend [填空题]从(),对主体物所在的位置及范围进行拍照的方法,称相向拍照法。
[多选题]点验通常由( )组织实施。
A.本单位首长 B.上级机关 C.中队(站)值班员 D.公安机关 [判断题]振动的作用可以简述为促使保护渣的熔化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]柱上变压器台架工作,若变压器的低压侧无法装设接地线,应采用()措施。
A.禁止工作 B.加强监护 C.拆除引线 D.绝缘遮蔽 [单项选择]网络的()就是说,参与者都是平等的主体,权威的传递是双向的。
A. 互为主体性 B. 双向性 C. 相对应性 D. 平等性 [简答题]商业银行可以对持有被暂停、注销贷款卡的借款人发生信贷业务吗?
A. 管理进程 B. 管理代理 C. 管理信息库 D. 管理者 [单项选择]将预应力混凝土分为机械张拉和电热伸张,这是按( )分类的。
A. 工艺 B. 施加预应力的方法 C. 所用钢筋 D. 结构受力特点 [多选题]冠字号码查询工作要求对( )渠道对外支付现金记录冠字号码。
A.取款机 B.自助查询机 C.存取款一体机 D.柜台 [多项选择]是否发生肺炎决定哪些因素()
A. 病原体 B. 社会人口老龄化 C. 细菌耐药性增加 D. 病原学诊断困难 E. 宿主 [单项选择]We are prepared to make a concession and grant you a reasonable discount.()
A. 我们准备让步,同意给你们一个合理的价格。 B. 我们讨论一下,之后给你一个合理的答复。 C. 我们愿意做出让步,给贵方以合理的折扣。 D. 我们准备让步,给你们很好的折扣。 [简答题]试述 CT12K 云高仪的校准步骤。
A.溃疡型胃癌 B.胃溃疡 C.胃黏膜相关淋巴瘤 D.胃间质瘤 E.胃平滑肌瘤 [单选题]在精密空调、电源等基础设施上工作时,应视工作具体情况采取()、验电、挂接地线等安全措施。
A.A. 备份 B.B. 防静电 C.C. 停电 D.D. 屏蔽监控信号 [简答题]试论第三方物流的利与弊,联系实际,谈谈企业应如何选择第三方物流服务。
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