No one knows exactly how many disabled
people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450
million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than
double the total population of Canada. In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight. Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by A. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older. B. There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK. C. The whole society should pay due attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people. D. There still exists prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance. [判断题](173)传热膜系数与流体流速成正比,与管道直径成反比,即增加流速和减小管径都能增大对流传热膜系数,减小管径更为有效。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]塔槽吹扫时,其压力可以超过允许压力,必要时打开放空阀,对液面计、倒淋、流量计引管及取样阀不用吹扫。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程Q/CSG 51001-2015》安全工器具外观检查主要检查内容包括( )。( )
A. 是否在产品有效期内和试验有效期内 B. 螺丝、卡扣等固定连接部件是否牢固 C. 绳索、铜线等是否断股 D. 绝缘部分是否干净、干燥、完好,有无裂纹、老化 E. 绝缘层脱落、严重伤痕等情况 金属部件是否有锈蚀、断裂等现象 [单选题] 尾气吸收塔吸收硫磺尾气中硫化氢时,温度越高吸收效果越( )。
A.好 B.差 C.没有影响 D.不能确定 [单项选择]某500kV架空送电线路双地线,具有代表性的铁塔为酒杯塔,塔的全高为45m,导线为4分裂LGJ-500/45(直径d=30mm)钢芯铝绞线,采用28片XP-160(日=155mm)悬式绝缘子串,线间距离为12m,地线为GJ-100型镀锌钢绞线(直径d=15mm),地线对边相导线的保护角为10°,地线平均高度为30m。请回答下列各题。若地线的自波阻抗为540Ω,两地线的互波阻抗为70Ω,两地线与边导线的互波阻抗分别为55Ω和100Ω,计算两地线共同对该边导线的几何耦合系数为下列哪项数值?()
A. 0.185 B. 0.225 C. 0.254 D. 0.261 [单选题]四显示自动闭塞区段通过信号机显示一个绿色灯光:准许列车按规定速度运行,表示运行前方至少有( )闭塞分区空闲。(技规)
A.一个 B.两个 C.三个 [单选题]颈椎病的基本病因是:( )
A.急性损伤 B.工作不良姿势 C.先天性颈椎管狭窄 D.颈椎退行性变 [单选题]由于转子和定子都采用螺旋线,因而转子绕定子轴线作( )转动,并以自身轴线作( )转动去带动钻具旋转。
A. 顺时针、逆时针 B. 顺时针、顺时针 C. 逆时针、顺时针 D. 逆时针、逆时针 [填空题]超过100年的水墨画原件
A.小电机的三条输入线两两互倒 B.电缆线间互倒 C.电源的相序错误 D.电缆断线 [单选题]SS4G型电力机车轴箱拉杆一高一低,其目的是:拉杆长度不变时,允许轴箱( ),否则轴箱垂向位移将受到极大限制
A.上下跳动 B.左右移动 C.前后移动 [判断题]按照黄明书记提出“ 组成网 、随人走、不中断、联得上、听得见、看得清、能图传、能分析”总的要求,努力打造一支“装备精良、业务精湛、作风过硬、训练有素、敢打必胜”的综合性应急救援通信保障队伍。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交