阅读下列案例材料,然后回答问题。 甲市某高校8位学生利用假日乘坐甲市运输公司的长途汽车去乙市某风景点旅游。汽车行至丁市时,司机称汽车刹车出现故障,请8位学生下车另搭别的汽车到目的地,并退还剩余路程的车费给8位学生。8位学生认为所退余资不够他们到达目的地的费用,并认为司机还应该赔偿因耽误他们的时间造成的经济损失。司机不同意,因而产生了分歧。8位学生约定去法院起诉该运输公司。
本案哪些法院有管辖权为什么 With increasing prosperity, West
European youth is having a fling that is creating distinctive consumer and
cultural patterns. The result has been the increasing emergence in Europe of that phenomenon well known in America as the "youth market." This is a market in which enterprising businesses cater to the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their beatlemania and pop-art forms. In the United States, the market is wide-ranging and well established, almost an industry, which with this country’s emphasis on "youthfulness," even extends beyond teenager groups. As in the United States, youthful tastes in Europe extend over a similar range of products-records and record players, leather jackets and "wayout," extravagantly styled clothing, cosmetics and soft drinks. Generally it now is difficult to tell in which directi A. describe different types of clothing worn by youth B. discuss new trends in the consumer patterns of youth C. analyze several advertising techniques used in gaining the youth market D. compare the youth in the United States with the youth of Europe [单选题]配电工作,需要将高压线路、设备停电或做安全措施者,应填用( )。
A.配电线路第一种工作票 B. 配电线路第二种工作票 C. 配电第一种工作票 D. 配电第二种工作票 [单选题]承发包工程中,工作票可由作业单位和设备运维管理单位共同签发,在( )上分别签名,各自承担相应的安全责任。
A.工作票 B.操作票 C.工作任务单 D.动火工作票 [多选题]下列选项中,稽查局应当及时作出解除查封、扣押决定的有( )
A.查封、扣押的场所、设施或者财物与违法行为无关 B.当事人没有违法行为 C.行政机关对违法行为已经作出处理决定,不再需要查封、扣押 D.查封、扣押期限已经届满 E.法律、行政法规规定应当销毁的 [单项选择]在肩关节前脱位的病人中,下列哪项可以作为确诊依据
A. 方肩畸形 B. 肿胀 C. 疼痛 D. 反常活动 E. 功能障碍 [单选题]单选题电梯突然停电时,错误的处理方法是()。
A.确认轿内有人 B.设置警示牌 C.如困人启动解困预案 D.关闭照明 [多选题]《贵州银行流动资金贷款管理办法》规定,审查审批除按照《贵州银行公司授信业务审查审批管理办法》要求审查的内容外,还需重点审查以下内容:
A.授信业务的紧急性 B.授信额度的合理性 C.授信用途的合规性 D.授信期限的合理性 E.审查判断第一还款来源的可靠性 [单选题]( )应由熟悉工作班人员安全意识与安全技能及技术水平,具有充分与必要的现场作业实践经验,及相应管理工作能力的人员担任。
A.值班负责人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人 [单项选择]滴丸基质具备的条件不包括
A. 不与主药发生作用 B. 水溶性强 C. 有适宜的熔点 D. 对人体无害 E. 不破坏药效 [单项选择]氟利昂油分离器设有()的自动回油装置。
A. 浮球阀 B. 手动直角阀 C. 电磁阀 D. 液位阀 [单项选择]In many western countries people do not bathe every day, Sometimes they bathe only once a week, Sometimes they bathe two or three times a week. They do not bathe often because the weather is cold or because hot water is expensive. They use electricity or wood to boil the water. Electricity and wood cost a lot of money. In cold countries people usually do not feel they are dirty if they do not have a bath.
In Japan people bathe very often. Most people have a bath every day. When the weather is hot, they sometimes have two or three baths a day. They bathe in very hot water. Usually the water is almost boiling. They believe that these very hot baths also stop them from falling ill. Each house has its own bath but there are also big baths for everybody. They are found everywhere in Japan. In the bath-house there is one part for men and one part for women. The bath is usually three metres wide, three metres long, and about one metre deep; half-way down there is a narrow seat w A. the hot water may not hurt others B. people become wet through C. they can be excused D. the water can be made cooler [单项选择]心的主要生理功能是
A. 主藏血 B. 主神志 C. 主运化 D. 主统血 E. 主疏泄 [单项选择]下列工作阶段中,不属于水利水电建设项目竣工环境保护验收技术工作的是()
A. 准备阶段 B. 验收调查阶段 C. 现场验收阶段 D. 技术评价阶段 [单选题]女性,26岁。因吵架生气后自服有机磷(对硫磷)被发现急送医院急诊室。查体呈昏迷状态,呼吸困难,皮肤湿冷,双瞳缩小如针尖大小。
A.多汗 B.流涎 C.瞳孔缩小 D.肌肉颤动 [单选题]慢性苯中毒对人体损害最大的是( )。
A.呼吸系统 B.消化系统 C.造血系统 D.泌尿系统 我来回答: 提交