Attitudes to AIDS
Now{{/B}} Most people say that the USA is making progress in fighting AIDS, but they don’t know there’s no cure and strongly disagree that "the AIDS epidemic is over," a new survey finds. The findings, released Thursday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, reassure activists who have worried that public concern about AIDS might disappear in light of recent news about advances in treatment and declines in deaths. "While people are very optimistic about the advances, they’re still realistic about the fact that there is no cure," says Sophia Chang, director of HIV programs at the foundation. The Kaiser survey, like a recent USA TODAY Gallup Poll, does find that the number of people ranking AIDS as the country’s top health problem has fallen. In the Kaiser Poll, 38% A. who suffer from the worst disease—AIDS has fallen B. who think AIDS threatens the countryside has fallen C. who worry about AIDS and health problems has fallen D. who think AIDS is the country’s top health killer has fallen [单选题]集装箱装卸车(包括回送回卸)后应查看同步状态,未同步的应点击即时同步,多次同步不成功的应联系路局信息人员排查。确认同步现车和同步总公司状态都为()的,点击通知取车,卸后利用车辆无需通知取车。
A.已同步 B.完好 C.正确 D.成功 [单选题]涡街流量计在测量工况时几乎不受()、压力、温度、粘度等参数的影响。
A.流体性质 B.流体流速 C.流体密度 D.流体质量 [单选题]1.291.第291题0.1级电能表检定装置,应配备()
A.0.05级标准表,0.01级互感器 B.0.1级标准电能表,0.01级互感器 C.0.1级标准表,0.02级互感器 D.0.05级标准表,0.02级互感器 [判断题]期货公司不得为测试得分低于60分的投资者申请开立股指期货交易编码。()
A.4m B.6m C.8m D.10m [判断题]( ) 先发列车需由区间返回时,禁止跟踪出站调车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]自诉案件审判的特点有()。
A. 自诉人在宣告判决以前可以和被告人和解 B. 法院可以进行调解 C. 被告人在诉讼过程中可以对自诉人提起反诉 D. 在传讯的时候及时到案 [判断题]丰硕的成果表明,一带一路倡议顺应时代潮流,适应发展规律,符合各国人民利益,具有广阔前景。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]公路工程两阶段设计是指()和()。
[单项选择]We are longing for the world ______ peaceful.
A. remain B. remained C. remaining D. to remain [多选题]抢修消缺时,需断开充电机交流进线开关,并在进线开关设置隔离挡板,防止()或()掉落引发短路故障
A.工器具 B.物件 C.其他物体 D.杂物 [单选题]挖电缆沟时,电缆沟允许拐弯和起伏,但弯曲半径不得小于铠装电缆外径的( )。
A.5倍 B.10倍 C.15倍 D.20倍 [判断题] 1.2.8-19 题型:1 难度:2 一致性:5
[题目] 没有催化剂存在时也能发生氢转移反应。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]建筑工程施工现场的消防安全工作由( )负责。
A.建设单位 B.施工单位 C.建设行政主管单位 D.消防监督机构 [单项选择]“百花江团”是一道传统名川菜,上菜时需要带上()上席
A. 酱油味碟 B. 红油味碟 C. 毛姜醋味碟 D. 葱酱味碟 [单项选择]下列思想流派与产生时代对应错误的是:
A. 心学——明代 B. 玄学——魏晋 C. 理学——宋代 D. 儒学——汉代 我来回答: 提交