Our planet is like a bit spaceship. Our atmosphere
acts (51) a shield against harmful radiation and space
debris. (52) holds the air and people on the spaceship,
(53) everything doesn’t float away. Each of us is an
astronaut and our spaceship, the earth, provides our food and water. The sun is
our energy (54) and without it we would not be able to
survive. (55) every spaceship, the earth is a closed system. The only thing we receive from the outside is energy from the sun. Everything else must be used (56) again. We astronauts don’t seem to realize that A. As B. Like C. With D. Different from [单项选择]At all events,do not make any mention of it to others.
A. 无论如何,你不要向别人提及此事。 B. 所有事件你都不要向别人提及。 C. 任何情况下,你都不要向别人提及它。 D. 无论如何,你都不要向别人提任何事。 [单选题]角形调节阀适用于直角连接、介质为高粘度、高压差和()的场合。
A.含有少量悬浮物和固体颗粒 B.腐蚀性 C.泄漏等级高 [单项选择]男性,30岁。餐后1小时突发上腹部剧痛,很快扩散至右下腹,疼痛呈持续性,无放射.伴有恶心、呕吐。发病3小时后来院就诊。体检:血压120/70mmHg。腹平,全腹压痛,反跳痛,肌紧张,以右上腹及中上腹为甚,肝浊音界不清,肠鸣音微弱。合理、有效的治疗措施是()
A. 对症处理后行剖腹探查术 B. 全身支持治疗后行剖腹探查术 C. 胃肠减压,补液观察后行剖腹探查术 D. 体液维持平衡后行剖腹探查术 E. 立即行剖腹探查术 [判断题]辅助安全用具的绝缘强度较低,不能承受高电压带电设备或线路的工作电压,只能加强基本安全用具的保护作用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前最先进的红外热像仪,其温度灵敏度可达( )℃。
A..0.05 B...0.06 C...0.08 D...0.1 [不定项选择题]初戴全口义齿时,发现下总义齿左右翘动,加力时患者有痛感
A.两个星期 B.两个月 C.两年 D.五年 E.十年 [单选题]送电线路的导线和避雷线补偿初伸长的方法是( )。
A. 降温法 B. 升温法 C. 增加弧垂百分数法 D. 减少张力法 [填空题]
{{B}}The World in a Glass: Six
Drinks That Changed History{{/B}}
Tom Standage urges drinkers to savor the history of their favorite beverages along with the taste. The author of A History of the World in 6 Glasses (Walker & Company, June 2005), Standage lauds the libations that have helped shape our world from the Stone Age to the present day. "The important drinks are still drinks that we enjoy today," said Standage, a technology editor at the London-based magazine the Economist. "They are relics(纪念物) of different historical periods still found in our kitchens." Take the six-pack, whose contents first fizzed at the dawn of civilization. {{B}}Beer{{/B}} The ancient Sumerians, who built advanced city-states in the area of present-day Iraq, began fermenting(发酵) beer from barley at least 6,000 years ago. "When people started agriculture the first crops they produced were barl [判断题]在选择防垢剂时,对含钙硬度大的水质,特别是硫酸根SO22-浓度较高的水,宜采用碳酸钠,并同时再补加一定量的磷酸三钠。()
A. 抵抗高温作用而不熔化的能力 B. 抵抗高温与荷重共同作用的能力 C. 抵抗急冷急热的温度变化的能力 [判断题]消防搜救犬主要用于建筑物倒塌现场的侦察搜救。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Who is not responsible for the pressure
A. The media. B. The Japanese culture. C. The general attitude of the Japanese population. D. The sportsmanship. [单选题]在水喷雾灭火系统报警阀组的安装过程中,不符合国家工程消防技术标准的做法是( )。
A.安装位置靠近保护对象附近,并便于操作 B.距室内地面高度为1.2 m,两侧与墙的距离为0.6 m,正面与墙的距离为1.2m C.报警阀组凸出部位之间的距离为0.4 m D.安装报警阀组的室内地面设有排水设施 [简答题]在维修工作中,阀控式蓄电池的外观、极柱,出现哪些情况时必须及时更换?
A. 性激素测定 B. B型超声检查 C. 子宫输卵管碘油造影 D. 腹腔镜检查 E. 宫颈脱落细胞学检查 [判断题]当用户设置好主页后,每次用户启动IE都会连接到用户设置好的主页。(易)(应急通信)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交