UML提供了5种对系统动态方面建模的图,其中 (3) 对系统行为组织和建模; (4) 对系统功能建模,它强调对象之间的控制流; (5) 之间是同构的。
Organic farmers had fought to prevent
genetically-engineered crops from being{{U}} (67) {{/U}} organic,
and it could{{U}} (68) {{/U}}for them. Plants genetically{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}to resist insects and other pests {{U}} (70) {{/U}}about
15-percent of United States crop production, but it has become a{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}15-percent. Several European countries are refusing to{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}genetically-engineered crops from the United States. Jim Skiff,
president of the Illinois-based company U-S Soy, says his company will not grow
crops with genetically modified organisms, known as G-M-O for short. But the biotechnology industry is fighting back. Here’s an advertisement produced by the Washington-based Council for Biotechnology Information. The biotech industry received a (n) {{U}} (73) {{/U}}in April,{{U}} (74) {{/U}}a Natio A. which B. that C. what D. it [单选题]试验应使用规范的短路线.加电压前应检查试验接线.确认表计倍率、量程、调压器零位及仪表的初始状态均正确无误后.通知()离开被试设备.并取得试验负责人许可.方可加压。
A.所有人员 B.试验人员 C.无关人员 D.工作人员 [不定项选择题]A.子宫呈板状,胎心消失
A.呼吸困难、咳嗽、发绀等呼吸衰竭状态 B.阴道出血与休克成反比 C.有妊高征病史 D.突然剧烈腹痛 E.羊水栓塞早期相符的症状是( ) [单选题]设备维护五字操作法是指听、摸、擦、看、比。 ( )
A. 对 B. 错 [单选题]1大地公司在东征县小李乡进行一项建筑工程建设。已于2004年2月1日领取安全许可证。但因故不能施工,故需向有关部门申请延期。请回答大地公司董事长向您咨询的几个问题:
大地公司应当向( )申请延期。
A.东征县建设局 B.小李乡建设行政主管部门 C.东征县人民政府 D.小李乡人民政府 [单项选择]《戊午上高宗封事》的作者是()。
A. 欧阳修 B. 胡铨 C. 杨万里 D. 文天祥 [多选题]斗轮机堆取料运行方式有。( )(2.0分)
A.上下堆料 B.回转堆料 C.定点堆料 D.行走堆料 [单选题]下列关于审计的说法,错误的是( )。
A.审计是一种监督机制 B.审计是一个系统过程 C.按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计和独立审计两种 D.按审计内容分类,我国一般将审计分为财政财务审计和经济效益审计 [单选题]移动式电气设备的电源线应采用()类型软电缆。
A.塑胶绝缘 B.带有屏蔽层 C.橡皮绝缘 D.阻燃绝缘 [单选题]技术线损,是指经由输变配售设施所产生的损耗,技术线损可通过( )来获得。
A.计量 B.统计 C.理论计算 D.估算 [判断题]1086
( )比值控制系统通常是保持两种或两种以上物料 的流量为一定比例关系的系统,也称为是流量比值 控制系统。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电线路和设备的高压试验应填用()。在同一电气连接部分,许可高压试验工作票前,应将已许可的检修工作票全部收回,禁止再许可第二张工作票。
A.高压试验工作票 B.配电第一种工作票 C.配电第二种工作票 D.带电作业工作票 E.略 F.略 [填空题]
·Read the article below about the Import-Export Balance. ·For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet, The advantages of international trade are obvious. Trading
with other nations can also pose problems if a country’s imports and exports do
not balance out, though.{{U}} (31) {{/U}}deciding whether a balance does
or does not exist, economists use two measures: balance of trade and balance of
The total economic value of all products imported{{U}} (32) {{/U}}a country compared to the total economic value of ail other products exported out of the country is that nation’s balance of trade. Relatively small imbalances in the value of imports and exports for a country are quite common and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}very important. However, sometimes a country’s trade imbalance can be very large. For example, Japan exports goods and services equal{{U}} (34) {{/U}}about 15 percent of [单选题]在智能变电站中,过程层网络通常采用哪种方法实现VLAN划分( )。
A.根据交换机端口划分 B.根据MAC地址划分 C.根据网络层地址划分 D.根据IP组播划分 我来回答: 提交