Dancing in the Streets{{/B}} If there is one thing certain to get Brazilians on their feet, it is the Rio Carnival (狂欢节). Held in Rio de Janeiro, the country’s biggest city, the carnival began on February 20 when the mayor gave key of the city to Rei Momo — the Lord of Misrule (无序之皇) On his orders, each year people turn the city into a paradise of dance and music. The following six days are so full of parades, street dancing, fantastic clothes and partying (聚会) that many people forget about eating and sleeping. It was the passion of the carnival that attracted me to Brazil and made me settle down in Rio," said Bob Nadkarni, a British man who has lived in the city for several years. For many Brazilians, the centrepiece of the carnival is samba (桑巴舞), a typical Brazilian dance A. The earliest carnivals were held in ancient Rome. B. Carnivals were originally a tradition of the Brazilians. C. Carnivals were originally a tradition of the Romans. D. The Brazilians have integrated the Roman carnival into their culture. [单选题]驼峰主体信号机红灯丝双断后,还能开放哪种信号( )。
A.绿色 B.白闪 C.白灯 D.都不能开放 [单选题] 使用轴承加热器加热滚动轴承时,其加热温度设置不得超过( )℃。
A. 80 B. 90 C. 100 D. 120 [单选题]法人行社的员工每年参加线上及线下集中培训累计不少于()学时,其中参加线下集中培训不低于()学时。
A.20、30 B.30、40 C.50、12 D.50、20 [多项选择]除汉字外,我国现行的第五套人民币上的少数民族文字有()。
A. 蒙古文 B. 藏文 C. 维吾尔文 D. 壮文 [单项选择]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}}
A. The man deserved the award. B. The woman helped the man succeed. C. The man is thankful to the woman for her assistance. D. The woman worked hard and was given an award. [判断题]车辆行至交叉路口时,左转弯车辆在任何时段都可以进入左弯待转区。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在施工合同中,如果当事人选择仲裁的,应当在专用条款中明确的内容有( )。
A. 请求仲裁的意思表示 B. 仲裁事项 C. 选定的仲裁委员会 D. 仲裁的效力 E. 不执行仲裁的处罚措施 [单选题]利用污泥中固体与水之间的比重不同来实现的,适用于浓缩比重较大的污泥和沉渣的污泥浓缩方法是( )
A.气浮浓缩 B.重力浓缩 C.离心机浓缩 D.化学浓缩 [填空题] You will hear five extracts about five low-cost ways to market their business.
For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the relatively suitable title of each extract from the list A—H. For Task Two, choose the benefit of the way inferred in each extract from the list A—H.
You will hear the recording twice.
[单选题]( )可以将多台计算机的显示、鼠标、键盘操作集成在一个设备上,以便于操作。
A.光纤收发器 B.千兆网卡 C.交换机 D.KVM显示器 我来回答: 提交