You’d think Pauline Hord would have
served her time by now. After all, she recently celebrated her 90th birthday,
and by the time she achieved that breathtaking (激动人心的,使人惊叹的) milestone, she’d
already done a 10-year stretch in the Mississippi State Prison.
Ms. Hord is a sweet-natured, gentle-talking, white-haired Southerner who
never owed a debt to society—thus, she never had to pay one. So you have to
wonder what a woman like this is doing in a place where most people are itchi A. sing songs for the prisoners B. teach the prisoners to read C. pray for the prisoners D. make friends with the prisoners
[多选题]泥(页)岩密度计的组成:有枧玻璃筒、( )、镜子支架、岩样托盘、不锈钢杆、镇定锤等。 A.镜面分度尺 B.调零旋钮 C.浮筒 D.浮子
[单选题]多轴飞行器单轴最大动力输出,为什么不能按电机厂家参数100%计算载荷,而一般只能达到70%左右作为有效拉力?( ) A.厂家测试的螺旋桨效率更高。 B.厂家测试环境采用恒流供电,无动力衰减。 C.厂家虚标、动力电池性能、海拔高度、与电调适配的效率及抵消自然界外部风力的开销都会衰减有效动力。
[单选题]消防消防救援队伍在参加抢险救援行动中进入剧毒轻度危险区时,应实施( )级防护。 A.特级 B.二级 C.一级 D.三级
[判断题]改革、发展、稳定是我国社会主义现代化建设的三个重要支点。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]电流互感器一次接线端的标记为(),二次接线的端子标记为()。 A.L1,L2 B.A,X C.K1,K2 D.a,x
[单选题]集中联锁车站的进站信号机,当( )后自动关闭。 A.机车或车辆第一轮对越过该信号机 B.列车全部越过该信号机 C.机车或车辆第一轮对压上信号机外第一轨道区段 D.列车全部出清信号机外第一轨道区段
[多选题]生产经营单位不得因安全生产管理人员依法履行职责而降低其()等待遇或者解除与其订立的劳动合同。 A.工资 B.福利 C.奖金 D.加班费
[单项选择] Directions: There are 5 passages in this section. Each passage is
followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are
four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then
blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage One
When, in the age of automation, man
searches for a worker to do the tedious, unpleasant jobs that are impossible to
mechanize, he may very profitably consider the ape. If we
tackled the problem of breeding for brains with as much as enthusiasm as we
devote to breeding dogs of surrealistic shapes, we could eventually produce
assorted models of useful primates, ranging in size from the gorilla down to the
baboon, each adapted to a special kind of work. It is not putting too much
strain on the imagination to assume that geneticists could produc A. repetitive B. mechanized C. unusual D. intricate
[判断题]进入猛烈燃烧的室内,应注意射流方式和站立位置,防止热烟气反扑伤人,可在门口向顶部射水后退出关门,如此反复,亦可采用A类泡沫控火降温。( ) A.正确 B.错误
W: Hello, John. How was your English exam yesterday
M: Not too good.
W: Well, the term exam is always more difficult. Work harder, and you’ll certainly do better next time.
M: I’ve worked hard enough, I think, but unluckily, I have never done well in the exam.
W: Well, it’s no use worrying about the exam now. Let’s talk about the football game tonight. It’s much more interesting.
M: Is there a football game on TV tonight
W: Yes, it’s between the Chinese team and the Japanese team.
M: Er, I’d rather watch some other programmes.
W: Why You’re so interested in football.
M: The Chinese team has always played badly in the important matches, just as I have done in the important exams.
What do you know about the boy( ). A. He isn’t good at football. B. He is interested in football. C. He doesn’t like to watch TV.
[多选题]电杆的临时拉线数量:单杆不得少于( )根,双杆不得少于( )根。 A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 E.10
[判断题]电磁式交流接触器和直流接触器都装有短路环,以消除铁心的振动和噪音。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多项选择]在选择第三方物流服务商时需要衡量和考察的因素有()。 A. 物流网络结构和设施 B. 管理水平 C. 业务范围和价格 D. 过去的经验
[多项选择]预防胆胀发生的重要措施是 A. 积极治疗胁痛,黄疸,气郁等症 B. 坚持足够疗程 C. 加强体育锻炼 D. 防止感冒 E. 病症治愈后注重调理
[单选题] 下列不可以质押的是( ) A.土地使用权 B.债券 C.应收帐款 D.可以转让的基金份额
[单选题]弹条及扣板损坏不能保持原有的( ),应及时更换。 A.位置 B.扣压力 C.外观 D.洁净
[判断题] 高处作业的人员应每两年体检一次。( )( ) (1.0分) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]同一被测量在重复性条件下的无限多次测量结果的平均值与被测量的真值之差,其术语为(). A. 系统误差 B. 随机误差 C. 测量误差 D. 偏差
[判断题]未在商业银行核心一级资本中扣除的对金融机构的大额少数资本投资和相应的净递延税资产,合计金额不得超过本行核心一级资本净额的15%。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]必须在信号、通信设备附近进行危及其安全的( )或作业时,应会同设备维护部门,采取安全防护措施。 A.施工 B.检修 C.维护 D.检查
[单选题]31. 高血压社区干预的内容和措施应掌握以下关键点。 [2019年,11月,单选](3)第三问:高血压患者转诊单的内容不包括 A.患者的运动状况 B.患者的初步诊断 C.患者的主要病史 D.患者的治疗方案 E.患者的基本信息
[多选题]抢险救援消防一般具有( )等功能。 A.灭火 B.起吊 C.发电 D.照明 E.照明
该疾病特征性病变为( ) A. 基底膜高度增厚 B. 肾小球内细胞数目增多 C. 新月体大量形成 D. 系膜细胞增生,系膜区增宽 E. 基底膜呈“双轨征”改变
[单项选择]含有大量的强亲水性粘土矿物成分,具有显著的吸水膨胀和失水收缩,且胀缩变形往复可逆的是()。 A. 填土 B. 红粘土 C. 膨胀土 D. 湿陷性黄土
[单选题]带电安装有互感器的计量装置时,应防止电磁式()二次开路和电磁式或电容式()二次短路。 A.电流互感器,电压互感器 B.电容互感器,电压互感器 C.电容互感器,电流互感器 D.电压互感器,电流互感器
[判断题]使用万用表欧姆档测量电阻时,不能带电。 A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]各级单位应当严格按照车辆编配用途、性能和规定的动用数量、行驶区域使用,按照规定组织车辆( )和检查。 A.初驶 B.封存 C.启封 D.保养
[判断题]一系轴箱轴承采用双列圆柱滚子轴承,自密封结构。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]平衡法心功能显像采用下列哪种显像剂() A. 99TcmO4- B. 99Tcm-红细胞(RBC. C. 99Tcm-MDP D. 99Tcm-MAA E. 99Tcm-DTPA
[判断题]三显示自动闭塞区段,超长列车车部越过出站信号机发车时 ,行车凭证为绿色许可证。 ( ) A.正确 B.错误
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