If someone just studies a few recent
corporate recruitment advertisements, there will be at least one thing he or she
will find common in almost all. of them. The recruiters are putting much
emphasis on hiring a one-team man rather than a one-man team, in the management
category at least. In accordance to this shift, the office atmosphere is changing too. CEOs of the companies at present are accessible to general employees move than’ ever before. The visual distance is cut short. Office decorations are changing with more and more interlinked and free sitting arrangements. At this age, one can never ignore the psychological affect on human beings created by the respective surroundings. The corporate houses these days are spending huge amounts to unite the workforce into an active team. Active and spontaneous participatio A. A meeting that all corporate employees participate in. B. A brainstorming activity. C. A group discussion with people having personal contacts. D. A conference aims at cutting distance among employees. [单选题]( )是一个国家、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。( .)
A.、道路自信 B.、理论自信. C.、制度自信 D.、文化自信 [判断题]沿程阻力系数λ只与管壁粗糙度Δ和雷诺数Re有关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]库欣反应引起
A.呼吸骤停 B.头痛,呕吐,视神经乳头水肿 C.昏迷,患侧瞳孔散大,对侧肢体偏瘫 D.压升高,脉搏变慢,潮式呼吸 E.高热,去大脑强直 [单项选择]肝内外胆管、胆囊扩大及主胰管扩张,其梗阻部位可能在:( )
A. 胆总管的近端 B. 胆囊管 C. 肝总管 D. 十二指肠壶腹 E. 胆总管的远端 [单项选择]患儿患肺炎喘嗽反复不愈2周余,低热起伏,咳嗽无力,多汗、四肢欠温,面色白,纳呆便溏,舌质偏淡,舌苔白滑,指纹淡红而滞,在风关,治疗应选
A. 桂枝汤 B. 麻黄汤 C. 四君子汤 D. 补中益气汤 E. 人参五味子汤 [单选题]"专用线内装有( )的车辆,禁止手推调车。
A.黄磷 B.蜜蜂 C.液氨 D.粮食" [判断题]D-E-002 4 1 3
《铁路营业线施工安全管理办法》第106条规定:各铁路局要加强对营业线施工的考核工作,明确单位天窗时间内工作量,建立经济考核制度和奖惩办法,对施工计划和施工、维修天窗的兑现率、利用率进行考核。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]教学方法是指教师为完成教学任务而采取的方法或办法。( )
[单选题]( )是指企业针对一个或几个目标市场的需求并结合企业所具有的资源优势,为目标客户群体提供满足其欲望和需求产品的过程。
A.目标产品 B.市场分析 C.产品定位 D.市场战略 [多项选择]冻结井壁外层使用的模板类型有()模板。
A. 金属滑动 B. 绳捆 C. 活动 [单项选择]总线的组成不包括()
A. 数据线 B. 地址线 C. 电源线 D. 信号线 [多选题]各路段公司需在使用纸质通行券后()内,形成事件报告经区域中心向省联网中心汇报,再由省联网中心在()内汇总情况向部联网中心报备。
A.四天 B.三天 C.两天 D.一天 [单项选择]
A. They were silent. B. They didn’t tell a complete story. C. They were too expensive. D. They were too short. [判断题]22.由于物质急剧氧化或分解反应产生温度、压力增加的现象,称为爆炸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当轻柴油加热到一定程度,不用点火便能自行着火燃烧的温度称为轻柴油的()点。
A. 点燃 B. 闪 C. 自燃 D. 挥发 [多项选择]常常被管理者用来衡量绩效的信息有()。
A. 个人观察 B. 组织评价 C. 统计报告 D. 口头汇报 E. 书面报告 [单选题]下列选项中不属于GIS和罐式断路器中局部放电原因的是()
A.导体或接地壳体上的毛刺放电 B.盆式绝缘子/绝缘件表面 C.GIS和罐式断路器罐体外表脏污 D.屏蔽接触不良 [多选题]框构桥涵外形尺寸误差,应符合下列规定( )。
A.宽度为±50mm B.轴向长度为±50mm C.顶板、底板厚度为+20,-5mm D.中、边墙厚度为+20,-5mm [单选题]( )的种类有钙基润滑脂、钠基润滑脂、钙纳基润滑脂(易)
A.多级油 B.润滑油 C.润滑脂 D.0号柴油 我来回答: 提交