There are many types of reports. A
report is simply {{U}} (56) {{/U}} of something that has happened. The
commonest are {{U}} (57) {{/U}} We get them in newspapers, over radio and
{{U}} (58) {{/U}} television. Sometimes {{U}} (59) {{/U}} also
show us newstreel. The main purpose of a newspaper {{U}} (60) {{/U}} provide news. If you {{U}} (61) {{/U}} a newspaper closely, you will find that there are all types of news. accidents, floods, fires, wars, sports, books, etc. The news {{U}} (62) {{/U}} everything that {{U}} (63) {{/U}} to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are news items which are very {{U}} (64) {{/U}} The big {{U}} (65) {{/U}} bold words above the news items {{U}} (66) {{/U}} headlines. Their purpose is to {{U}} (67) {{/U}} attention so that people will buy the newspaper because they want to read {{U} A. written B. writing C. to write D. to be written [单项选择]政府、勘察设计单位、建设单位都要对工程质量进行控制,按控制的主体划分,政府属于工程质量控制的( )。
A. 自控主体 B. 外控主体 C. 间控主体 D. 监控主体 [简答题]儿童身心发展有什么特点?教育对儿童身心发展的作用应如何把握?
A. 药物的粒径在15μg以下,含15~μg者不超过10% B. 药物的粒径在20μg以下,含15~μg者不超过10% C. 药物的粒径在15μg以下,含15~μg者不超过15% D. 可用于静脉注射 E. 可用于椎管注射 [单选题]运用收益法评估投资性房地产公允价值,当建筑物剩余年限与土地使用剩余年限不一致时,下列关于确定收益期的说法中,正确的是( )
A.按孰短原则确定 B.按土地使用剩余年限确定 C.按建筑物剩余年限确定 D.按孰长原则确定 [单选题]以下关于消防安全带说法错误的是:( )(易)
A.消防安全带不可调节尺寸大小以适合体型佩戴 B.带扣应使安全带长度调节方便,佩戴快速,且无松脱、滑落现象,其边角半径不小于6mm。 C.带扣和拉环无棱角、毛刺、无裂纹、明显压痕和划伤等缺陷。 D.消防安全带的零部件应安装端正,整带平直、整洁,无污油渍、缺损及其它有损外观的缺陷。 [判断题]特种作业操作证每2年复审一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有毒烟气必须向上()风方向排放,并提前疏散可能受到烟雾威胁的人员。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](3.2分)单选题3.2肺炎衣原体的代表株是
A.TWAR株 B.TAWR株 C.TMAR株 D.TNWR株 E.TRAR株 [单选题]测试现场空间位置有限时,选择采样管道时应满足采样断面与弯头的距离至少是烟道直径的( )倍。
A.1.2 B.1.5 C.2 D.3 我来回答: 提交