In place of the king, two chief
executives were chosen annually by the whole body of citizens. These were known
as praetors, or leaders, but later received the title of consuls. The
participation of a colleague in the exercise of supreme power and the limitation
of the tenure to one year prevented the chief magistrate from becoming
autocratic. The character of the Senate was altered by the enrollment of
plebeian members, known as conscripti, and hence the official designation of the
senators thereafter was patres conscripti (conscript fathers). As yet, only
patricians were eligible for the magistracies, and the discontent of the plebs
led to a violent struggle between the two orders and the gradual removal of the
social and political disabilities under which the plebs had labored. In 494 BC a sec A. It was difficult for the chief magistrate to become a dictator B. Any Roman had the chance to become the magistrate C. The plebs couldn’t hold the post of magistrate D. Magistrate’s power was limited [判断题]电压的大小用电压表来测 量,测量时将其串联在电路 中。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]球会未来的规模和发展水平
A. 投产后的质量管理 B. 前期工作阶段质量管理 C. 运营阶段质量管理 D. 施工阶段质量管理 E. 设计阶段质量管理 [判断题]必须带电灭火时,与带电体保持必要的安全距离,严禁接触裸露电线、电气开关或在电线下方站立,防止电线熔断伤人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对外国籍犯罪嫌疑人采取强制措施的同时,经()批准,可以依法扣留其护照,发给本人扣留护照的证明。
A. 市级公安机关 B. 省级公安机关 C. 公安部 D. 外交部 [单项选择]根据订单的品种,数量及出库频率,确定哪些订单适应于那种方式,然后分别采取不同的方式进行拣货的方法属于()
A. 按订单拣取 B. 按批量拣取 C. 按批次拣取 D. 按复合拣取 [单项选择]
Genghis Khan was not one to agonize over gender roles. He was into sex and power, and he didn’t mind saying so. "The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him." The emperor once thundered. Genghis Khan conquered two thirds of the known world during the early 13th century and he may have set an all-time record for what biologists call reproductive success. An account written 33 years after his death credited him with 20,000 descendants. [单项选择]关于自由端口模式说法错误的是()。
A. CPU的串行通信接口可以由用户程序控制 B. 只有当CPU处于RUN模式时才能使用 C. 只有当CPU处于STOP模式时才能使用 D. 处于该模式时,不能与编程设备通信 [单项选择]如果你的某个同事总是表现出难以接受别人批评的样子,而且他的缺点又很多,你会 ( )。
A. 委婉地指出他的缺点,要他以后注意改进 B. 避免和他接触 C. 决不会指出他的缺点 D. 敢于批评他,表达自己的真诚愿望 [填空题]企业系统化的培训需要确定培训的目标,那么通常采取的方法有()()。
A. 便血、脱出、周期性疼痛 B. 便血、便秘、脱出 C. 便血、周期性疼痛、便秘 D. 肛门肿痛、流脓 E. 肛门疼痛、脱垂、血栓形成 [单项选择]患者,男性60岁,残冠,已行治疗,后牙面重度磨损。该患者拟采用全冠修复,全冠材料的最佳选择()
A. 金合金全冠 B. 全瓷全冠 C. 复合树脂冠 D. 烤瓷冠 E. 金属冠 [单选题]进行塞拉门检查时,塞拉门电源开关以及电伴热线开关进行性能测试,闭合塞拉门电源开关,塞拉门得电。闭合塞拉门伴热开关,用红外线测温仪在电伴热罩板或门板上测温,应有明显温升,伴热空气开关不得发生( )。
A.跳闸 B.开路 C.断路 D.短路 [填空题]“变压器运行规程”规定,主变压器在投入运行后的第( )年大修吊心检查。
A. 局域网 B. 广域网 C. 万维网 D. 网上论坛 我来回答: 提交